I'm thinking about signing up for a Sprint Tri towards the end of Sept. It's a race I've done before. It's close, a nice venue and pretty well run. The swim is super short at only 400 yards so I won't really need to train for that. I haven't run consistently in over a year, so I'll be pretty much starting from scratch there. The bike is 12 miles and not very hilly, so my current mountain biking base will serve me well I think. Mostly, I just think I need an event to help me stay focused.
I've already worked out a ten week training plan, that I think I can stick too. I tossed out many of the two a day workouts once I go back to work. The start up of the school year will be a bit stressful. I'm assigned to a 4/5 combo class and we're getting new Lang. Arts and Math curriculum. I hope that having a specific workout schedule and a race on my calendar will keep me focused on what I need to do for me. I last raced this in 2011, so I am kind of excited to do it again. I've never done a sprint as my BIG race, so I think it will be fun.