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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Columbia River Gorge

    Fueling during racing - Oly distance

    Hi ladies. I just spent a fair bit of time giving some advice to a newbie in our tri club about her up coming Oly race she's doing. I figured something I put that much time into should be shared widely so here's the link to the blog post I published as a spin off. I hope the information is helpful to some here as well.

    Happy racing.
    Living life like there's no tomorrow.


    2007 Look Dura Ace
    2010 Custom Tonic cross with discs, SRAM
    2012 Moots YBB 2 x 10 Shimano XTR
    2014 Soma B-Side SS

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Uncanny Valley
    Having a Plan B is majorly good advice.

    I well and truly bonked at Boston because I was too nauseous to eat the gels and protein paste I'd brought, and by the time my brain started going south, I didn't have the sense to just take the Gatorade from the fluid stations, since I had it in my barely-functioning head that I have an issue with Gatorade. (I do have an issue with any fructose, natural fruit or HFCS or anything in between, but it doesn't manifest itself until AFTER my run, so for a goal race, bypassing it was the wrong decision.)

    Moral of the story, drink the Kool-Aid and everything will be fine.
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler



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