I raced a local race on Saturday and I learned something new about myself.
I felt like total crap on the bike. I was so nauseous that I wanted to throw up, but I held it together and survived. About 3/4's of the way into the bike leg, I started to feel better but it was touch and go there for awhile.
Same thing happened to me in 2011 when I last did this race except in 2011, I did throw up while biking. At the time, I thought I'd swallowed pool water or something.
What I'd failed to remember is that I had the SAME problem in 2010. I'd chalked it up to first timer nerves since it was my first ever tri at that point. I'd also eaten a gel before the swim and was re-tasting it and it was gross so I never gave it much thought (and I still don't eat apple cinnamon flavored gels!).
Now, looking back, I'm seeing a pattern.
When I compare this to all my open water tri experiences, I don't have this same problem. And I swam in this same pool, once a week for 10 weeks in 2010 as part of a lesson program and had no issues then, either.
I'm also extremely sensitive to motion. I've gotten car sick while I was driving. I can't wear full progressive glasses because they make me nauseous. I've thrown up on more planes, trains, boats and automobiles than I care to recall. I even have gotten ill while open water swimming when it was really windy/rough once (never during a race).
Guess what? I'm getting sea sick in the stupid pool!! 20 people swimming their hearts out in a small pool for 10 - 11 minutes is enough to make me motion sick. Go figure.
Next year I'm taking Dramamine!