I am both a graduate and former instructor (5 years) of this clinic. If you are thinking about racing, or simply want to get better at your handling skills in a large group, this clinic is for you!
Introduction to Bicycle Racing Clinic 2014
As it has every spring since 1993, the North East Bicycle Club is offering its Introduction to Bicycle Racing Program to the public during the month of April. This 4 week program will introduce you to the exciting world of bicycle racing, and will prepare you to be competitive in your first race. Among the things you will learn are:
• Bike handling: cornering, pacelines & double pacelines; riding in close groups, incidental contact
• Racing skills: sprinting, time trialing, climbing and descending, starting and finishing
• Tactics and strategies: road racing as a team sport, applying team strategies and tactics in race situations, using the race course and your strengths to your advantage
• Training and equipment: periodization and specificity, training effort zones, racing bicycles and equipment, maintaining and performance tuning your equipment, proper bike fit
At the conclusion of the program is a Graduation Exercise, in which we will bring you to an actual race to test out your skills.
Evening Classroom Sessions (2):
Burlington Public Library, Burlington, MA: 22 Sears Street, Burlington, MA
Dates: Thursday, April 3 and Wednesday, April 16
Time: 7-8:30pm
Saturday Morning Riding Sessions (4):
(Ft.) Devens, MA, Ayer, MA
Dates: Saturday April 5, 12, 19 and 26
Time: 10am-1pm
Directions: Take Rte. 2 west to Jackson Road North exit 37B (approximately 4 miles west of the Rte. 495
interchange), and go north. Follow Jackson Road approx. 1.2 miles to an intersection. The parking lot will be just off
to the right. Please park in the same areas as the instructors' cars, as we will be using the other lots for drills. Arrive
in time to get changed, pump up your tires etc. We will start instruction promptly at 10am. The sessions are 3 hours
long and take place RAIN or SHINE.
Optional Graduation Exercise:
Location: Wells Ave Training Series Race, Newton, MA
Date: TBD (tentatively May 3, 2014)
Time: 8am, Race at 9am (NOTE: there is an additional registration cost of $15 for this race and you will also need a
one day USA Cycling license, which costs $15, if you are not currently licensed with USA Cycling)
$25 for Participants with a valid 2014 USA Cycling License
$65 for Participants without a valid 2014 USA Cycling License
$5 for Junior Racer Participants (18 years or younger by 31 December 2014 with a valid USA Cycling License)
Contact Elizabeth Cummings (contact info below) for questions about the USA Cycling License. See also:
Register Online By April 1: http://www.bikereg.com/nebc-introduc...racing-program
Contact: Elizabeth Cummings epcummings@gmail.com or 781-223-5554 / USA Cycling Permit 2014-1305