I have completely confused myself and am hoping for some pointers on putting something together!

I am a very beginner runner, and the "run" portion of my program will be the every other day workouts as directed by my PT (currently a short walk-run mix, progressing to longer and then more running than walking). I have a long term goal of an Ironman. There is a slim possibility (but I don't want my training now to hold me back) of a very late season iron distance (I would walk most of the run, and am perfectly OK with that). Could also do the half iron. Or do the full as an aqua bike. Have been talking to my PT about all of these issues, and the only thing we aren't sure of is where the run will go - I am cleared for everything else now (with appropriate training). Not in my best biking shape, but OK there - just need to build. Have had some fear issues on the road, but that seems to be improving drastically. Swimming, I have no issues but haven't done a lot of it lately. I do enjoy it and that's part of the reason I want to include it now. I want to do a hilly century in June.

I need to pull together something that looks like a training schedule - with something that is just "build base," I don't tend to put the time in. I need more structure. Any thoughts??