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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Question Training Plan Help!

    I have completely confused myself and am hoping for some pointers on putting something together!

    I am a very beginner runner, and the "run" portion of my program will be the every other day workouts as directed by my PT (currently a short walk-run mix, progressing to longer and then more running than walking). I have a long term goal of an Ironman. There is a slim possibility (but I don't want my training now to hold me back) of a very late season iron distance (I would walk most of the run, and am perfectly OK with that). Could also do the half iron. Or do the full as an aqua bike. Have been talking to my PT about all of these issues, and the only thing we aren't sure of is where the run will go - I am cleared for everything else now (with appropriate training). Not in my best biking shape, but OK there - just need to build. Have had some fear issues on the road, but that seems to be improving drastically. Swimming, I have no issues but haven't done a lot of it lately. I do enjoy it and that's part of the reason I want to include it now. I want to do a hilly century in June.

    I need to pull together something that looks like a training schedule - with something that is just "build base," I don't tend to put the time in. I need more structure. Any thoughts??
    Most days in life don't stand out, But life's about those days that will...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Columbia River Gorge
    My general week to week schedule when I was training for long course tri was:

    Mon - off or yoga
    Tues - speed work Run, second w/o of the day speed work bike.
    Wed - Swim and easy ride
    Thurs - hill run and bike
    Fri - off or easy ride
    Sat - long run and swim
    Sun - long ride

    The idea behind this structure is that by clustering the harder workouts together it allows you to have true off days to recover. So Tues through Thursday were meant to have some intensity. Mon and Fri were recovery days and the long stuff came on the weekend. Assuming that your run is the more challenging event, I would always cheat to do that first on the combo days (your legs will tolerate being tired on the ride better) and put your long run the day before the long ride, for the same reasons.

    I hope that helps.
    Living life like there's no tomorrow.


    2007 Look Dura Ace
    2010 Custom Tonic cross with discs, SRAM
    2012 Moots YBB 2 x 10 Shimano XTR
    2014 Soma B-Side SS

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Thanks for starting this thread, I've a few trail running events this year as well as a mud obstacle course in May, and I've never been a runner... I tend to over-do things and injure myself with new activities, so I will be watching this thread with great interest!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Montreal, QC
    Since I had the brilliant idea to register myself for a 150km road bike challenge (one-day event) in June 2014, and having been out of shape due to major knee/elbow injuries last June that required limited gym time and lots of PT for 9 months, I'm seeing a private trainer (who happens to be a physiotherapiste and kinesiotherapist, and is a triathlon athlete) this coming Monday night. She will be building me a gym plan to get me stronger, get speed on my bike, all this with avoiding re-injuring myself, etc.

    So I will try to come and update the tips she is giving me to survive in that jungle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Thanks, Wahine! That really helps quite a bit - particularly the recovery thoughts! I like the schedule (without back to back run days - not sure why so many training plans have those!). You are 100% right about running first - will continue to do that! Will start with that as the "backbone" and fill in with the workouts tailored to my events.

    Helene2013- Can't wait to hear what tips you can share!
    Most days in life don't stand out, But life's about those days that will...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I'll be watching this thread as well. I'm just starting doing Sprints & will probably add a couple of Olys. My Tuesday group ride consists of several triathletes and we frequently add a short run on after the ride. It's good practice for getting the legs used to running off the bike.
    "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly" (Robert F. Kennedy)



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