To sleep...perchance to dream That sounds SO good, but I am dealing with some pretty strong insomnia - waking up every hour on the hour although I am not all that tired during the day. I turn off all electronics long before bed, I do need to stop reading in bed though. My bedroom is as dark as dark can be, I even cover my alarm clock so the light can't be seen. I really think it is stress and related to things that I can do very little about.

I am considering trying melatonin - has anyone here had success with it? If I could just get some good sleep I think that would make it much easier to deal with my stress - between my mom's illness and preparing to move it is a bad combination. If I can't find some relief soon I will see my doctor - but I really don't want prescription sleeping pills and I think a lot of those are bad if you have asthma anyway.