Unfortunately, I can't ride it this year as I won't have enough time to train. I broke my arm right above the wrist on 1/9 and as of this time, the doc still hasn't ruled out surgery (which would start my 6 week cast time all over). I can't tell you how bummed I am that I can't get out and ride; especially since I've recently got the 'bug' again. I am going to plan on doing at least a couple of rides up there (NorCal) this year just because many of them I've done before and they are familiar - although I imagine that a ride in mid April is about as early as I can expect to be ready. I look forward to running into you ladies at one of the rides... probably at the reg desk as I'm pretty pokey!!

Thank you for the info - I'm going to save the website so I'm on top of it for next year!!!
