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Thread: Shopping bags

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Looking at all the love there that's sleeping

    Shopping bags

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    I have way too many bags.

    I've settled on my "favorites" - especially now that my county charges a $0.05 bag tax at all retail establishments. These are a collection (2 other blue ones not shown) of miscellaneous bags that you can have. Take one or all. Some canvas. Some nylon. Some have external pockets. Big. Small. Tall and thin. Short and squat. Tell me if what you want.

    2007 Seven ID8 - Bontrager InForm
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    where the wind comes sweeping down the plain
    I have a trunk full of bags, myself. Just had to say that I kinda like that your county charges a $.05 tax. Do you have to pay it if you bring your own bag? Because if paying that is an optional- I would think more people would choose to reuse bags or just not take one at all. I really, really, really, really, really, really like that idea!
    Last edited by Tri Girl; 04-05-2012 at 04:13 PM.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Looking at all the love there that's sleeping
    If you bring your own bag, you don't get charged the fee.
    In fact, most stores (other than the mom-and-pop ones) will give you a $0.05 credit if you bring a bag. They did that before the fee/tax went in place, and they still do it.
    I totally support it. Of course, there are many who gnash their teeth and beat their chest and lament yet "another" tax on the struggling populace...but I say - Beat The Man....Bring Your Own Bag!
    Of course...the trick is remembering to bring them when you go shopping. I find it's easy to forget when you go to a store you don't normally think to bring your own bag to....like TJ Maxx or Target or stores like that.
    2007 Seven ID8 - Bontrager InForm
    2003 Klein Palomino - Terry Firefly (?)
    2010 Seven Cafe Racer - Bontrager InForm
    2008 Cervelo P2C - Adamo Prologue Saddle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Uncanny Valley
    Quote Originally Posted by 7rider View Post
    I find it's easy to forget when you go to a store you don't normally think to bring your own bag to.....
    I finally got into the habit, and all it really is, is making the habit. You just start associating "bag" with "store" instead of with "grocery store." It did take a while though. And before that, it took a while to get into the habit of getting the bags into the car to begin with. Now, they just hang on the doorknob after use, so as soon as I walk out the door to car or bike, bags go with me.

    And I usually have to argue harder with the clerks at non-grocery stores. Even at grocery stores, half the time they'll automatically rip a bag even though you tell them three times you don't need one, and if you don't take the one they're trying to give you, they'll throw it away - at that point I figure it's better to just take it so it at least gets reused or recycled.

    Ha, we have way too many shopping bags too. If you get more takers than bags, look my way.
    Last edited by OakLeaf; 04-05-2012 at 05:09 PM.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    My parents keep theirs in the back of the car. Get home, unload groceries, bags go back outside. I keep forgetting. I do have a couple, one of which no longer has the stiff plastic bottom (actually it cracked from too much use!), and my Amazing Expandable String Bag.
    The only things that get plastic bags are milk and meat. Having had a milk jug leak in my backpack...

    I need to get back into the habit of bringing my own bag. The Amazing Expandable String Bag is getting out of shape.
    At least I don't leave slime trails.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Mrs. KnottedYet
    Quote Originally Posted by 7rider View Post
    I have way too many bags.

    I've settled on my "favorites" - especially now that my county charges a $0.05 bag tax at all retail establishments. These are a collection (2 other blue ones not shown) of miscellaneous bags that you can have. Take one or all. Some canvas. Some nylon. Some have external pockets. Big. Small. Tall and thin. Short and squat. Tell me if what you want.

    Time for a good ol' TE bag exchange. Could be like Secret Santa only cloth shopping bags.
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