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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    san francisco bay area, CA

    Sponsor me in Climate Ride, a 5-day ride to benefit bike advocacy + the environment

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    Hi all,

    In October 2011, I participated for the first time in the California Climate Ride, which is a 320-mile bicycle ride down the CA coast to benefit 25 environmental and bicycle advocacy nonprofits. Despite rainy conditions on 4/5 of the days (!!) of this year's ride, I still enjoyed it such that I have decided to do it again in 2012!

    Riders get to direct they funds they raise to any combination of the designated beneficiaries, and I have chosen to support five regional bicycle advocacy groups and one national one. It's a small but powerful ride: Riders in the 2011 CA ride alone (there is also an east coast one) raised over $140,000 for the beneficiaries.

    To find out more or sponsor me, please visit this page:

    Thank you in advance!

    P.S. Also note that if you donate before the end of the year, you can deduct your donation from your 2011 taxes.
    Last edited by _kim_; 12-26-2011 at 09:09 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    san francisco bay area, CA
    Forgot to mention that I'll be fundraising through August 31, 2012. (Also, I've added two more bike advocacy beneficiaries.) Thanks!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    san francisco bay area, CA

    About three weeks to go!

    I just wanted to add a likely last bump to this post. My Climate Ride fundraising deadline is about three weeks away, and I have $780 to go. I was also laid off in June (I've got a continued UI claim form right here!). I would be VERY grateful for any support! Donations go to support seven bicycle advocacy nonprofits, including a handful on the east and west coasts and the League of American Bicyclists. The overall Climate Ride event supports many more environmental and bicycle advocacy nonprofits. My page is here:
    Thank you!



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