The Chatooga century looks very interesting and I know how scenic that area is - do you know the elevation gain on the metric??
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Anybody going?
There's the Chattooga Century, right by my house, with 15, 30, 63, 100 and 125 mile options, August 13.
And the Cartersville Budweiser ride on September 17. You can register on for it, but the official site hasn't been updated yet.
2009 Fuji Team
My blog - which rarely mentions cycling. It's really about decorating & food.
The Chatooga century looks very interesting and I know how scenic that area is - do you know the elevation gain on the metric??
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet - only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved" - Helen Keller
We're planning to do the 30-mile option of the Chattooga Century. I would love to do the metric, but DH will not stay on a bicycle that long. Unfortunately, we'll be out of town for Beautiful Backroads. We did that one last year, and the name is definitely appropriate!
Gowest, we'll probably do a practice ride for kicks and I can tell you then. It isn't bad - I did most of the metric route yesterday and there are only two rough hills in the latter 30 miles - one we dub Schoolhouse Hill just south of downtown Menlo, and one more as you leave Menlo before you turn off to Shinbone Valley. I've ridden most of the rest of it as part of other rides (this area is where I ride all the time, just different routes) and offhand, I can only think of three hills in the first 20 miles - one on 27 before you turn off toward Sloppy Floyd, one not long after you leave Sloppy Floyd, and then one more when you turn onto 114.
Hope to see you both! KB, will the hubby hang around town and you ride with us for the metric? My group is small, three guys, one *sometimes* girl (who will do the 30 miler this year) and myself. We're not speed-breakers, usually around 13-15mph depending on how hot it is/tired we are. My house is a five minute ride from the high school where the ride starts, he can hang out here with my hubs. I'm considering making a big Italian meal mostly ahead of time so my group can celebrate - y'all are invited!
Last edited by grey; 07-16-2011 at 06:39 PM.
2009 Fuji Team
My blog - which rarely mentions cycling. It's really about decorating & food.
Maybe. I hate driving, so it really depends on what events my friends are going to do. So far, they're committed to the Savannah Century Labor Day weekend and the Ironworks Century in Birmingham October 1.
I already have plans for Labor Day weekend, and the only friend I have so far who's doing the Birmingham one lives near Birmingham, so that doesn't solve my transportation problem. I definitely want to do some events this year, though.
Maybe I can talk one of my less-cycling-oriented friends into doing the 15- or 30-mile option on one of these. We'll see.
2010 KHS Flite 220L
2005 Trek 820
OK, I did the 30 mile option today. It does have some hills, I don't bother with a computer and my riding parter today didn't have the fancy Garmin thing that tells you everything and then some, so I plugged it into ridewithgps and it says the elevation gain is 1182
Espresso, I can tell you the 12 mile option of this ride is fairly pleasant, if your less-experienced friend has a triple they won't be too upset - there are still some hills (three that I can think of) but none are killers.
2009 Fuji Team
My blog - which rarely mentions cycling. It's really about decorating & food.
Grey, that's really nice -- thanks for the invitation! I've actually planted the metric seed in DH's mind, and he's considering it. To be honest, I have some doubts about my ability to ride 60+ miles, since we only ride twice a week (work and other commitments prevent us from getting out more often). But, I would really like to try, so we've decided to train for it and see how we feel the day of the ride. I would love to meet up with you and at least ride part of it with you!