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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Oslo, Norway

    ticketed for not riding in a bike lane...

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    anyone posted this yet?


    It takes a little while to get going but is well worth the wait. Not sure where to put it - but figured it was best in the Humor section...

    Kudos for the effort!!
    Winter riding is much less about badassery and much more about bundle-uppery. - malkin

    1995 Kona Cinder Cone commuterFrankenbike/Selle Italia SLR Lady Gel Flow
    2008 white Nakamura Summit Custom mtb/Terry Falcon X
    2000 Schwinn Fastback Comp road bike/Specialized Jett

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Portland, OR
    hahahahahahahahahahaha -- love the crash scenes, especially the last one into the police car stopped across the bike lane.

    Thanks for making my day and making me laugh -- needed it today!

    '89 Bridgestone Radac Dura-Ace | Specialized Ruby, 143
    '92 Bridgestone MB-1 | Specialized Ruby, 143
    '92 Bridgestone MB-1.2 (balloon tire bike) | Specialized Ruby, 143
    '93 Bridgestone MB-5 (my SUB*) | Specialized Lithia, 143

    My blog: Portlandia Pedaler (at Blogger)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    San Diego, CA
    How does he keep crashing like that and not hurt himself? Sheesh.

    Getting in touch with my inner try-athlete.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Vancouver, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by channlluv View Post
    How does he keep crashing like that and not hurt himself? Sheesh.
    Practice makes perfect. Maximize time and surface!

    He might have some training as a stuntman.

    My favourite bit is when he crashes into the open truck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Oslo, Norway
    Quote Originally Posted by Grog View Post
    My favourite bit is when he crashes into the open truck.
    Yeah, mine too

    I would love to be able to roll like that.
    Winter riding is much less about badassery and much more about bundle-uppery. - malkin

    1995 Kona Cinder Cone commuterFrankenbike/Selle Italia SLR Lady Gel Flow
    2008 white Nakamura Summit Custom mtb/Terry Falcon X
    2000 Schwinn Fastback Comp road bike/Specialized Jett

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I'm surprised that the bike survived the crashes!

    (Could've been a public service announcement for helmets, too)

    Maybe I should try rear-ending the realtor who keeps parking in the bike lane on my way home from work. The one who gave me the finger.

    "I never met a donut I didn't like" - Dave Wiens

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Beautiful NW or Left Coast
    oh, man, you beat me! that was a good video. Notice the nice stout bike he is riding.
    he's young too... ouch is all I can say.
    I like Bikes - Mimi
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Riding my Luna & Rivendell in the Hudson Valley, NY
    I loved that video! It's so very ....'new york city'. And yes that's what the bike lanes look like so often there- everyone blatantly double parks on them.
    My mountain dulcimer network...FOTMD.com...and my mountain dulcimer blog
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Columbia, MO
    My favorite was the open truck. My next favorite was the police car. I also loved the bit where the security guard taking a smoke break just watched him crash. Just watched!
    2009 Trek 7.2FX WSD, brooks Champion Flyer S, commuter bike

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    WA State
    I've got a technical question..... the dude on the radio said that it is not illegal in NYC to not use the bicycle lane..... so why in the world did the ticket even go through? It sounded like the cyclist had to send it in to even find out what his fine would be - the cop gave him a range of what tickets usually cost bikers. So, if it was not a violation how could there be a penalty associated with it for the processing clerk to even assign? It seems like the clerk who processed the thing should have just tossed it out when they didn't find a violation?
    "Sharing the road means getting along, not getting ahead" - 1994 Washington State Driver's Guide

    visit my flickr stream http://flic.kr/ps/MMu5N

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    where the wind comes sweeping down the plain
    OMG- that is so funny (but disgusting that he's given the ticket in the first place).
    How he crashes so many times and is unscathed is impressive!
    Check out my running blog: www.turtlepacing.blogspot.com

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