Forwarded info to a friend who works in Houston and he didn't know about it. Says it's near his office and wants to check it out.
Thanks for posting this!
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Anyone in Texas and especially in the Houston area, please take a look at the Houston Bicycle Museum:
If you have time to volunteer, own extra bicycles that wish to donate, want to help and get involved, can donate funds, write grants, or just wish to become a member of the HBM - the bicycle museum is just starting out and a lot of help is needed.
The HBM is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Thanks for looking!
E.'s website:
2005 Bianchi 928C L'Una RC
2010 BMC SLX01 racemaster
2008 BMC TT03 Time Machine
Campy Record and SSM Aspide naked carbon on all bikes
Forwarded info to a friend who works in Houston and he didn't know about it. Says it's near his office and wants to check it out.
Thanks for posting this!
Such a very amazing link!
Thanks you for the post.