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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet

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    Quote Originally Posted by rebeccaC View Post
    since we both live in states with legal cannabis i'll say it helped me with both fatigue and nausea. my riding was replaced with walks for awhile but even short rides helped me, especially mentally.
    ...and yes the help of starting with a strong body/mind is a good reason to stay that way normally!!!!!
    Knott was very concerned about nausea. Her nurses said of the anti nausea meds to take them at the first sign of anything, really anthing feeling odd. So she took them on schedule then gradually started with a few drops of CBD oil in her tea and so far is totally off the nausea meds.

    Session 2 is on the 10th and we’ll see how that goes. I can’t say “so far so good” about cancer but it’s better than anticipated. I do read that things will get worse as the chems build up.
    Fancy Schmancy Custom Road bike ~ Mondonico Futura Legero
    Found on side of the road bike ~ Motobecane Mixte
    Gravel bike ~ Salsa Vaya
    Favorite bike ~ Soma Buena Vista mixte
    Folder ~ Brompton
    N+1 ~ My seat on the Rover recumbent tandem

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2013
    i’m an advocate for medical cannabis being available and affordable to all. With my oncologist we worked out a cannabidiol strategy that helped more and with less side-effects than the first anti-nausea medication’s she prescribed.

    Each person can have different side-effect strength and timing during treatments. I was consistent in journaling about my side-effects which helped in my discussions with my medical team….and kept me more informed about how my body was reacting and what strategies were helping..……and as always wishing for positive and healing actions/thoughts for knott and caring strength and blessings for both of you!
    ‘The negative feelings we all have can be addictive…just as the positive…it’s up to
    us to decide which ones we want to choose and feed”… Pema Chodron

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet
    Quote Originally Posted by rebeccaC View Post
    i’m an advocate for medical cannabis being available and affordable to all. With my oncologist we worked out a cannabidiol strategy that helped more and with less side-effects than the first anti-nausea medication’s she prescribed.

    Each person can have different side-effect strength and timing during treatments. I was consistent in journaling about my side-effects which helped in my discussions with my medical team….and kept me more informed about how my body was reacting and what strategies were helping..……and as always wishing for positive and healing actions/thoughts for knott and caring strength and blessings for both of you!
    I think Knott’s scientific bent helps. Like you she jounals medications which helps her keep track of when she takes them. There are so many. Timing is important to avoid over or under dosing.

    There have been several positive indications leading her to quip one day “Well. I might not die ... yet” But I don’t want to talk about them because I don’t want to jinx results. At least I can say for sure she’s getting chemo, she’s not the test subject getting sugar solution only. otherwise there’d be no effect.

    She’s upset that she’s visibly losing muscle tone. I can tell just putting a hand on her thigh there’s less muscle there. But the first week, especially the first 5 days after chemo she’s almost stuck in bed. This effects me too because I can’t get out. But we’ll take this step by step. I’m cautiously optimistic for positive results and then starting a recovery workout program. This either at the end of chemo or after surgery.

    I’m not looking FORWARD to getiing back in shape. Easier to stay there then to get there. But hoping we can atart then.
    Fancy Schmancy Custom Road bike ~ Mondonico Futura Legero
    Found on side of the road bike ~ Motobecane Mixte
    Gravel bike ~ Salsa Vaya
    Favorite bike ~ Soma Buena Vista mixte
    Folder ~ Brompton
    N+1 ~ My seat on the Rover recumbent tandem

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet
    Knock knock

    Who’s there?


    Tumor who?

    Tumor treatments.
    Fancy Schmancy Custom Road bike ~ Mondonico Futura Legero
    Found on side of the road bike ~ Motobecane Mixte
    Gravel bike ~ Salsa Vaya
    Favorite bike ~ Soma Buena Vista mixte
    Folder ~ Brompton
    N+1 ~ My seat on the Rover recumbent tandem

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I’ve been thinking about you two. So sorry you have to go through this. I know it’s not much fun. Hope things are going as well as can be expected. Hopefully this time next year you are back to two-wheeled adventures.
    Work hard, be nice.
    Read a book.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet
    Thanks. Chemo is not much fun. By a few days before the next treatment knott feels almost good enough to take a bike ride but the neuropothy makes her nervous about control. Wondering if anyone else has feeback about getting back in shape after chemo?
    Fancy Schmancy Custom Road bike ~ Mondonico Futura Legero
    Found on side of the road bike ~ Motobecane Mixte
    Gravel bike ~ Salsa Vaya
    Favorite bike ~ Soma Buena Vista mixte
    Folder ~ Brompton
    N+1 ~ My seat on the Rover recumbent tandem

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sillycon Valley, California
    Just saw this, sorry to say I'm not around much. Knott & Trek, I hate that you are going through this. Chemo sucks, I know. My main issue post chemo was getting my energy levels back. It's rough, and they may not come back 100%, but they come back, and that's what counts. I wish you both peace and a return to good health.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet
    Quote Originally Posted by snapdragen View Post
    Just saw this, sorry to say I'm not around much. Knott & Trek, I hate that you are going through this. Chemo sucks, I know. My main issue post chemo was getting my energy levels back. It's rough, and they may not come back 100%, but they come back, and that's what counts. I wish you both peace and a return to good health.
    Thanks. Session 7 now done. 1 more to go! Tomorrow she should start back on the upswing. Cancer and chemo both suck but we are learning coping strategies. For instance it took a while to figure out she gets dehydrated. We never said we’re smart, just cute. Something in the concoction makes her sweat a lot combined with difficulty swallowing at first. Even though she drinks lots of water still gets dried out.

    I’m figuring out the foods to keep her hydrated. Favorite jello salads anyone? But hope to be on an upswing tomorrow.
    Fancy Schmancy Custom Road bike ~ Mondonico Futura Legero
    Found on side of the road bike ~ Motobecane Mixte
    Gravel bike ~ Salsa Vaya
    Favorite bike ~ Soma Buena Vista mixte
    Folder ~ Brompton
    N+1 ~ My seat on the Rover recumbent tandem

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I remember learning the pinch test for dehydration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSo0Cwhsm-A
    ... won ton soup was a favorite for my mother..

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet
    But as cyclists we use the color of the pee test. Problem is on organized rides it's blue.

    Thai Kitchen instant soups are good. Takes only a couple of minutes to cook. Can be endlessly doctored; add an egg, veggies like chives or chard from the container garden, chicken or pork ... as of today her appetite is roaring back. So Chef Trek is just trying to keep up. Always a good sign.

    This last round or last for a while will be tough. Normally she's feeling almost normal by the last 2-3 days of the round. So we get a tiny rest before starting hell anew. Her doctor's going on vaycay so next session is bumped earlier one day. Means not much of a break or none.


  11. #41
    Join Date
    May 2013
    yeah i cherished those few days of feeling somewhat normal between treatments!!...hoping this is an ending to chemo and the beginning of putting it behind.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trek420 View Post
    We never said we’re smart, just cute.

    and...((HUGS)) to two cuties.....
    ‘The negative feelings we all have can be addictive…just as the positive…it’s up to
    us to decide which ones we want to choose and feed”… Pema Chodron

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet
    So PET scan, CAT scan done. Why no DOG scan?

    Finally some good news. The metastasize in her liver is gone, vanished, deleted, missing, MIA ... gone.

    The tumor on her colon is the same size but it’s not as hot. Less active. So now her oncologist talks to her surgeon and we start seeing appts with him. It’ll be anywhere from 8 - 12 weeks till surgery.
    Fancy Schmancy Custom Road bike ~ Mondonico Futura Legero
    Found on side of the road bike ~ Motobecane Mixte
    Gravel bike ~ Salsa Vaya
    Favorite bike ~ Soma Buena Vista mixte
    Folder ~ Brompton
    N+1 ~ My seat on the Rover recumbent tandem



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