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Glad to hear another instance of this being done.
What was your brake solution? Are you using disks or some sort of modifiable canti?
I have longer reach Shimano road brakes. Switching wheels means shifting the pads up or down a couple milimeters and fiddling with the pad angle. Because the 650c and 26" wheels have different rim widths, I also adjust the brake barrel to compensate so I get the same lever travel. The road brake caliper restricts the tire size I can use to 1.5" max. If you might want to run knobby cx tires, you probably don't want caliper brakes, and typical cantis are somewhat difficult to move and center the pads. Definitely pay attention to ease of brake pad adjustment in whatever brakes you get.
Oil is good, grease is better.
2007 Peter Mooney w/S&S couplers/Terry Butterfly
1993 Bridgestone MB-3/Avocet O2 Air 40W
1980 Columbus Frame with 1970 Campy parts
1954 Raleigh 3-speed/Brooks B72