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Thread: April 10 ride

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA

    April 10 ride

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    OK, I am going to shamelessly plug the "Spring Warm Up Ride" my DH and I are leading on 4/10.
    This is an AMC ride that leaves from Concord center. I don't have the whole cue sheet done, but the ride is going to go through West Concord, Sudbury, Stow (some hills here), Boxborough, Acton, and back to West Concord. It's around 30 miles. Our average will be about 13.5-14.5, depending on the group. We keep everyone together and wait/regroup at climbs. This is a fun and social ride, but you will get a work out, too.
    If you are interested, PM me, and I will give you time information, etc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA
    Anyone else interested? The weather looks OK, 55 degrees and partly sunny.

    PM me by Friday at 9 PM.



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