We don't have showers at our office either. We don't even have running water on our floor of the building

I keep a bag of toiletries at work, take in a fresh shirt and underwear in my panniers each day, and the heavier items (trousers, jacket or jumper, and a clean microtowel) once a week.

Once I'm at work, I'll give myself a few minutes to cool down while I boot up my computer, change my shoes, discuss the morning's commute with the other cycle commuters in the office.

Then off upstairs to the bathroom to get changed and wash up at the sink. The washup only takes a minute or two, and thus far I've been lucky enough that the only people who've walked in have been friends. It has meant, though, that I've had to stop wearing my really shoddy old bras to work!

Our office is casual too, and this routine seems to do the trick.