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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by blackhillsbiker View Post
    You pat your bike whenever you pass it, and wish you were going riding instead of (fill in the blank).
    That's me! I keep my bike in the back of my van. I sometimes reach back and pat in (her) on the wheel. I apoligize to my bike on days I just can't work in a ride! "Sorry Trekkie. We just can't get a ride in today. We'll try again tomorrow!"

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Columbia, MO
    Quote Originally Posted by astrolin View Post
    ...you know how to get places on a bike and you can't get back there in the car.
    I did that a few weeks ago. We dropped our daughter off at her clarinet lesson, and intended to drive to the bike shop from there while we waited for her to get done to get my new helmet. I happened to be in the driver's seat, which is unusual because my husband doesn't like me to drive anymore since I tend to drive like I'm riding a bicycle: slow. Finally he said "Where in the world are you going?" because I was taking the route I'd have taken on a bicycle, winding through side streets with lots of stop lights and avoiding the major arterial that was close by.

    Fortunately I'm not the type of cyclist who rides on sidewalks!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by Lakerider View Post
    That's me! I keep my bike in the back of my van. I sometimes reach back and pat in (her) on the wheel. I apoligize to my bike on days I just can't work in a ride! "Sorry Trekkie. We just can't get a ride in today. We'll try again tomorrow!"

    LOL!!! You crack me up! Too funny

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Katy, Texas

    You might be a biker if

    You find yourself driving a car, swerving to avoid the cracks in the road, lifting your butt off the seat over rough spots and trying to unclip your foot from the gas or brake pedal.

    You finish a ride and clean your bike, check your tires, clean off your cogs, crank, chain and brake pad before you put the bike away so it will be ready to go for the next ride. You can always shower later and you grew up with the lesson, take care of your mount and it will take care of you.

    You pick up as many free granola, cliff, luna bars and shot blocks at the current organized ride, as your jersey can hold so that you can replace your training ride nutrition stash.

    You rotate and launder your jerseys, shorts and socks on a daily ride basis, but use the same towel for 10 days running.

    I could go on but that's a start.


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    YOu ride in any vehicle and feel a bit 'odd'.What am I doing in here? What could I do to be strong enough to RIDE to wherever it is, no matter how far.
    Conquering illness, one step at time.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Uncanny Valley
    You're in your car on a road you've ridden on 100 times, and you have no idea how to navigate because nothing looks the same, and the intersections are coming at you so fast.
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA
    Ha, Oakleaf, I experienced that one big time when I started my internship. I drive to Lowell on a road that I mostly have only cycled on for the first part of the trip. In fact, I think I have only driven on this road twice in the past almost 20 years. It's very rural for about 8-9 miles and felt so weird in the car for about six weeks. It still doesn't feel quite "normal" to me.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    The Great White North
    Quote Originally Posted by Fredwina View Post
    you take your bike with you when going car shopping to make sure it fits inside
    Or, as I did a few weeks ago, you bring the test drive vehicle home, park it in the garage, lay towels down in back so as not to dirty new car's carpet and put your bike in the back to see if it fits ok.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    You get up, roll out of bed and its raining, foggy and drizzly and you say, yay!!!

    I love riding in the warmish rain
    Conquering illness, one step at time.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    All the lycra is dirty, so you wear the too big tops that make you look like you have something to hide OR all the nice loose gear is in wash so you squeeze into those old tops that look like your daughters or put on those knicks that clearly make your thighs feel like tourniquets, and look like sausage, rather than not ride.
    The bike hasnt been washed in so long( due to work or what ever) that its starting to resemble a organic life form, and you go out.
    You get saddle sores and wonder,( even though a veggie) does that steak in the pants thing really work like it did for that old Tour guy?
    You ride until you throw up and think, wow thats sick!!( as in 'cool').
    You judge other women's physiques, purely by of they would be good on the flats or a good climber.( My Husband thinks this is PRIME wierdness!)
    The sun galre is something like a solar flare, but you havent rode in ages- so MUST RIGHT NOW and the only way to avoid burning is to slap on enough zinc that you look like the Crow.
    Conquering illness, one step at time.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    You attempt to draft other vehicles on the highway.

    While riding shotgun you tell the driver "Clear" when they want to turn left.

    You check the hour to hour weather constantly to find out the conditions for your ride later.
    Last edited by arielmoon; 12-04-2009 at 10:27 AM.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Underwear feels a bit 'odd'.
    Conquering illness, one step at time.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Tucson, AZ
    Your friend posts pictures from her tri in August, and the first thing you do is look to see what kind of bike she has...and you haven't seen her in years.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Katy, Texas

    you might be a biker if..

    a car passes you carrying two bikes and you can name the make year and model of the bikes but can't remember what color the car was or who was driving.

    you find yourself bracing your rump up off the seat of the car when you see a rough spot in the road and you're driving.

    likewise when you start to do a rolling stop at a stop sigh before you remember that you are drivingg and not ridiing.

    Your back seat isn't complete without a complete biking outfit, rain gear, cold weather gear, spare tubes, lights and helmet,shoes, chamois butter, sun screen, wet wipes, energy bars, gu, bottled water and a beach towel so you can change inbetween the car doors without having to hike to the porta potty.

    You have more bike jerseys than t shirts, blouses, and shirts combined. Likewise, more bike shorts than slacks and shorts combined.


  15. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    ... you peek into the garage every night before you go to bed, just to look at your bike hanging from the ceiling hooks. I do this several times a day.



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