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Thread: Firefighters

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


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    So today on my commute home from work I met some courteous firefighters.

    I was almost home riding through a quiet side road and I was about to make a left turn but there was a big pumper truck coming with some good looking firefighters. Now they were just crawling but I'm going to stop because, well thats just the rules of the road, right? Well anyway they wave me to go. Of course I've just come from work and I got only one pannier and I haven't come to a stop, I'm about to my foot is off the pedal but not quite hit the ground yet.

    Can you see were this is going?

    But they have waved me to go. So I put my foot back on the pedal to go, but I guess I've lost so much momentum because I was going to stop, and I'm not exactly balanced because of that one pannier... well anyway I fall. I fall on my rear not moving at all with two good looking firefighters gawking at me! I felt like a ...ahh.... well you know! In case anyone wanted to know the bike is fine I broke its fall quite nicely!

    Anyway hope you enjoy!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Newport, RI
    They were good looking, and you didn't just lie there, waiting for help?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    San Diego, CA
    That is their job, you know.

    I've always had a soft spot for firefighters. I was following a silver sports car once that had a firefighter license plate (a firefighter silhouetted against a raging fire background - fundraiser for the California fire figthers) and the lettering was something like I11RESQU. Loved that. You know, if I needed rescuing.

    Last edited by channlluv; 08-29-2009 at 08:09 AM.
    Getting in touch with my inner try-athlete.



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