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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA

    Where do roadies in SC ride?

    I just came back from a vacation in Hilton Head. We took both road and mountain bikes, but soon discovered that SC is not a friendly environment for roadies. We had been out no more than 2 minutes when a cop "pulled us over," and started telling us to get on the bike path. We did and then went back on the road, but he caught us agin, so we ended up riding 18 miles with old ladies, kids, joggers, etc. When we got back, we went on the web to see what the law really was. It actually states that riders have to ride on a path if there is one! How can anyone ride for fitness, etc. with a law like this?
    I got really nasty with the cop and said it might be better to spend a little time instructing people to ride with helmets rather than harrassing us! No one was wearing a helmet, including most of the kids.
    We did have more fun with the mountain bikes on the beach and in a nature preserve, but I am just wondering if I am being an obnoxious New Englander thinking that this law is really stupid.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North Andover, Massachusetts USA
    And I guess I'm a second obnoxious New Englander... Based on what Robyn found, I'll make sure to keep South Carolina off of my list of potential places to visit. It's my feeling that multi-use bike paths are very bad (as in unsafe) places to ride a bicycle.

    I thought that the vehicle code in all 50 states called for bicyclists to share the road with motorized vehicles. Guess I was wrong...

    --- Denise

    • Click here for links to journals and photo galleries from my travels on two wheels and two feet.
    • Random thoughts and experiences in my blog at denisegoldberg.blogspot.com

    "To truly find yourself you should play hide and seek alone."
    (quote courtesy of an unknown fortune cookie writer)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Charlotte, NC

    North Carolina vs South Carolina

    I live in NC on the border with SC. I think Denise is correct when she states that the law in all 50 states is that cycles can share the road with cars. I know that I get invites to road rides in SC all the time. The clubs offer centuries and all the other usual stuff. I think you got a cop who is either a bike hater or an idiot.

    In fact, every Sat and Sun morning I go for group rides that start in NC and always include a huge chunk (10-30 miles) of SC because the roads are really empty there. So that cop is full of sh**. I'm going to look up the law too. I can't believe I'm breaking the law twice a week!
    Last edited by doc; 07-05-2005 at 06:59 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North Andover, Massachusetts USA
    Quote Originally Posted by doc
    ...So that cop is full of sh**. I'm going to look up the law too. I can't believe I'm breaking the law twice a week!
    I looked up the SC law after I saw Robyn's entry (sorry Robyn, I just had to see for myself) and it is very explicit saying that if there is a bike path adjacent to the road that cyclists must ride on the path. Definitely not a safe situation based on Robyn's description.

    --- Denise

    • Click here for links to journals and photo galleries from my travels on two wheels and two feet.
    • Random thoughts and experiences in my blog at denisegoldberg.blogspot.com

    "To truly find yourself you should play hide and seek alone."
    (quote courtesy of an unknown fortune cookie writer)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I'm sorry you had such a lousy riding experience in SC. We live in the upstate of SC and we...ride on the road. SC does have roadies...the Assault on Mt. Mitchell is organized by the Spartanburg Freewheelers in SC, and it is one of the premier cycling events in the US. In fact, I think it's in the top 10.

    Hilton Head is its own little place...lots of rules for everything. We take our bikes to other beaches in SC with no problems. Hilton Head is great if you love to golf, eat, shop, or meander along a bike path. In fact they have more bike paths than any other place I've ever been to.

    When we go to the beach, we leave our road bikes at home...too much salt and sand to keep all those working parts working happy for my taste. But that's just me. We take our mountain bikes and ride where we please on the road. But I won't take my mountain bike on the beach...too much salt...it will just ruin a bike.

    And when we bike, we wear helmets...kids too!

    I hope the rest of your stay was pleasant

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Greenville, SC
    I am in total agreement with Beth-Ro, and I am embarrassed that you had such a bad experience. I, too, live in the Upstate of SC which is much better for cycling, in my opinion. Denise, please don't cross the whole state off your cycling list just because of Hilton Head, which, as Beth-Ro said, is its own little world. One of the reasons George Hincapie lives in Greenville, SC, (in the Upstate) is the cycling terrain and the weather. This is a great place to ride, and the cycling community is fairly large, with lots of clubs and organized rides. We are working hard to make this area more bike-friendly; I don't think you would have the experience that Robyn had in HH. So take your cruiser to the beach, and save your road bike and your mountain bike for the Upstate.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North Andover, Massachusetts USA
    Thanks to Beth-Ro and profŕvélo - I'm glad to hear that most of the state is a good place for roadies to visit! I'll put it back on my list...

    --- Denise

    • Click here for links to journals and photo galleries from my travels on two wheels and two feet.
    • Random thoughts and experiences in my blog at denisegoldberg.blogspot.com

    "To truly find yourself you should play hide and seek alone."
    (quote courtesy of an unknown fortune cookie writer)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Charlotte, NC


    Wow, here is the code:
    SECTION 56-5-3420. Rights and duties of bicyclists generally. [SC ST SEC 56-5-3420]

    Every person riding a bicycle upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this chapter, except as to special regulations in this article and except as to those provisions of this chapter which by their nature can have no application.

    SECTION 56-5-3430. Riding on roadways and bicycle paths. [SC ST SEC 56-5-3430]

    Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.

    Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.

    Whenever a usable path for bicycles has been provided adjacent to a roadway, bicycle riders shall use such path and shall not use the roadway.

    All the usual rules plus that really weird path thing. Where I ride, there are farms only. So no paths. I guess it can't come up except in places like Hilton Head. Rural SC has no problems with that clause.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    SC really isn't bad!! I lived there most of my life and rode my bike there. I lived in Charleston for years and rode there a good bit, great place to visit and ride! (no hills)

    As for Hilton Head, its a tourist place, not a good place for riding anyway.

    If you ever get the chance to visit SC do! Geesh, I have almost talked myself into moving back



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