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Thread: my new kindle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    my new kindle

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    Does anyone else have one of these? I got my kindle 2 a couple of weeks ago, I'm really reading much more than I used to. I reached a point where I could never get very far in a book- I'd try to read and would fall asleep (doesn't help that I tried to read at the end of the day).
    This thing is so easy to read. I'm not sure why that is- if it's the ability to adjust the size of the font, or what. I've also been in a good part of a book when I head home from work, and set it on text-to-speech so it would read to me. Not as good as an audio book- sort of a robotic voice, kind of like your gps reading to you.
    I'm getting a lot of the reading done at work, in the exercise room at lunchtime. The kindle fits perfectly in the reading rack on the elliptical machines and the recumbent cycles. It sort of motivates me to go to the exercise room so I can get some reading done- can't really read at my desk- even though the kindle doesn't look like a paperback book and I could probably get away with it.
    I've bought two books at the 9.99 price but have downloaded about six others that were free or 10 cents.
    When I was stuck in a waiting room recently, I had finished the book I was reading (the first one I finished), and right there I was able to go to the kindle store, find another book I'd read the free preview of, and download it and start reading while I was waiting.
    Not getting to ride so much lately, but really enjoying this kindle!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
    I have a Kindle 1.0, and it is seriously the best gift I've ever received in my life. I have always been a voracious reader (3-4 books per week), but it kinda tapered off after I had my kids. I'm reading so much more lately! It's nice that I don't have to go to the bookstore anymore (we only have 1 in town, a Border's, no independant stores; plus it was hard going with two young kids). If I'm bored or in a waiting room, I can download a book in less than a minute and read. The e-ink technology is so easy on the eyes.

    I'm jealous though, I want the new Kindle!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I guess I've been living under a rock because I've never heard of Kindle before. But it sounds really neat. I can never seem to read books these days, and I have a stack of them. I think I'll look into it some more. Thanks for enlightening me!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Folsom CA
    Funny you should mention that ...

    My reading vision has really gone to hell since my bike crash 3 months ago - cause or coincidence, I do not know. I had to use reading glasses at times before my crash (I'm of "that age", after all ) but nowhere near as much as I do now.

    Reading glasses help some, but not a lot. I simply don't enjoy reading as much now, especially in the evenings.

    So I went and ordered myself a Kindle DX early last week, it was released this past Friday and I should get it this coming Wednesday. I like the ability to enlarge the fonts, and the larger screen will be a good thing. LeeBob is pretty jazzed about it too.

    And I read *a lot* of pdfs (patents & scientific articles) so this might turn out to be good for my work too.

    I am the first to admit this is a really big non-essential splurge on my part. Although based on previous history here, others will no doubt chime in on how spendy and frivolous this is.

    But I figure if this doesn't turn out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread for me, I'll return it.

    2009 Lynskey R230 Houseblend - Brooks Team Pro
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    You'll have to post how you like the DX. It was about to be released when I bought my Kindle2, but I thought it might be a little big. I guess the screen orients itself to whatever position you have it in.
    I carry mine everywhere, and can read a quick page or two in a few moments (it always goes right to where you left off), and can even read it in the car (if I try to read books in the car I get carsick).
    I noticed they've even got a bike repair manual available on the kindle! There's lots of kindle-specific bags available, but I got a cheaper cover for it for protection, and carry it in a cheap nylon purse with all my other junk. For a book light I got a cheap clip on gooseneck LED light, but didn't like it clipped to kindle cover, so I just laid it on my chest and read that way. I get about a week of reading before I have to recharge the batteries.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Belle, Mo.
    Hey Vickie! Good hearing from ya. I had a student get one on his birthday in April. I'd been wondering about them, and when Jeremy brought his to school, I could see that it was a great idea. He absolutely loved it. His parents couldn't keep him in enough books, so they just got him the kindle. I was in the parking lot while my physics students were doing an experiment and just playing around and I could get previews on books right there! So cool.

    We need to ride!

    2009 Trek 7.6fx
    2013 Jamis Satellite
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    St. Louis, MO
    Don't get me started. I'm addicted to my Kindle. I read a lot more because it's more convenient. Love downloading samples before buying.
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." --Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    '09 Trek WSD 2.1 with a Brooks B-68 saddle
    '11 Trek WSD Madone 5.2 with Brooks B-17

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Southeastern MA
    I am so wanting to get one of these. I have bookcases totally loaded and books stacked all over my house and am running out of room. I keep waiting for the price to go down but not sure how much longer I want to wait.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    it is a lot for a gadget, but I haven't regretted spending it. You can get used kindle 1s, and probably the 2 also, since some people are upgrading to the new DX. If you check out kindleboards, and the amazon kindle community, they have for sale threads on there where they sell their older ones. Of course, it sounds like a lot of people keep the older one and pass it on to a spouse or friend.
    It seemed like it cost so much that I didn't get the extended warranty with accidental coverage- and I'm reading a lot about people getting the screens cracked carrying them around (one story from a lady who fell asleep reading and when she woke up and raised up on her elbows, one of the elbows was on the kindle screen), so now I'm thinking about the amazon or square trade extended warranty.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    uforgot, we have to get together. Doesn't have to be on a trail, my poor hybrid hasn't been ridden for probably at least six months. I think I rode it twice since I borrowed the saddle.
    maybe river road, katy trail, one of the spiffy developments in rolla- you know me- slow, no traffic.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Concord, CA USA
    I am such a Luddite, since I really don't think my Kindle 2 is all that.

    Good - It's great for travel (which I haven't done much of lately). Download speed is very fast, and the Kindle library is pretty extensive. Battery life is good.

    Not so good - I found it awful for newspapers and magazines. E Ink is slow - there's a very noticeable lag as you turn a page.

    I got the Kindle (as my Xmas 2008 gift to myself) because I thought I might wean myself from a few more paper products, but so far, this plan isn't working. I still prefer to hold a book in my hands - to look at the color pictures on the front and back covers, to see my progress (or lack of) as I make my way through the book. Yep, I'm a Luddite.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Rolla, Missouri
    I love my Kindle. As a teacher, I have SO MANY books to deal with as it is that my Kindle makes my "fun" reading that much easier.

    Nice things: I don't have to recycle my magazines, my bookcase isn't overflowing (my Kindle is!), I take it with me everywhere and my place is marked. I can read ANY book rather than the ONE I grabbed. I've read a number of "series" and it's nice to finish one of the series and be able to get the next installment pronto. I love that I can change the font; getting older for me has meant my reading eyesight has gone a little. It was the reason I stopped reading for a number of years.

    Bad things: Since I'm reading so much again, things around the house are not getting done! I've always loved to read, but this has made it so much more pleasant. Between riding and reading, well, my house is pretty much a disaster all the time!




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