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  1. #1
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    San Francisco Bay Area

    The Beat Goes on On - Running week of 1/26

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    Oh my goodness! I am sore and tired, but it's good.

    Mondays and Fridays I meet with my trainer. I have been having some stomach issues the last few sessions and my workouts have made me want to hurl. Fridays my appointment time makes it hard for me to get in a good warm up before I meet with her, so last Friday I warmed up on the treadmill with her. She had me doing a 2 min. fast paced run, a two min. slow jog, 1 min. walk. We did that for ten minutes and then did Pilates the rest of the session.

    Mondays my time is an hour later so I got to the gym early so I could do a longer run and I wanted to do the same intervals. We had decided on Friday that the pace I was doing each interval at was a little too easy, so I upped everything, except the walk. I kept upping it throughout the 32 minutes. Towards the end Van Halen's "Right Now" came on my Thumps. It's a very motivational song for me and I ran 4 minutes instead of two at 7 mph. I was pretty pleased with that and did my last 2 minute section at 7.2.

    The funny thing is... I didn't want to stop running; it was so much fun. Then my trainer kicked my butt with various activities: push ups on the bosu with 1 leg in the air, squats on the bosu, ...

    Discipline is remembering what you want.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Southeast Idaho
    I am trying to stick to a plan and be more disciplined in my diet and work out schedule. Sunday is the beginning of my workout week and I managed to get my long run of 10.5 miles in the slush and snow. It went okay. I enjoyed my running buddies. I got home and jumped into a hot bath and slept for 1-1/2 hours! Monday , I left work a few minutes early and made the 6:30 PM Yoga class. I really like Yoga. I sleep sooo much better after a class. Today I ran intervals at the gym (6- 800 m with 1/4 recovery plus 1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down) They just kick my "A" ! The SLC half will be here before I know it.

    YELLOW, will you be around?? I think you should run it just for the heck of it For you folks that don't know Yellow is one of those amazing athletes that could decide to do something like run a half on a weeks notice!
    Anita "Shiraz"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Atlanta, Ga
    I made it out for about 5 miles today! By far the longest run since the marathon. It was supposed to be 4, but to be honest, I forgot what my four mile run route was, so I accidently did 5

    I feel good, so cross your fingers!

    I think it is time to buy new shoes....I'm sure I could make it a few more miles, but I did most of my marathon training since october in those shoes, and I don't want to push it as I start to slowly increase mileage again!
    Slow and steady (like a train!)


  4. #4
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    Sep 2007
    Uncanny Valley
    A little over 7 miles this afternoon/evening. Nice easy pace, and especially after yoga in the morning, it really became a moving meditation toward the last 2-3 miles. It was a beautiful day for running - not too cool, not too warm, not too humid, nice firm sand on the beach just off low tide.

    I'm thinking I'll try to do a half marathon in the fall. I'll be 50 in November and I need some kind of goal for that milestone. See how a half mary goes, and maybe MAYBE aim for a full one next year. Only thing is, I want to have done a marathon a lot more than I want to actually do it. We'll see.

    EDIT: There's a marathon and half, two weeks before my birthday, an hour from my house.

    I'm going to think about it but I think I need to do it.
    Last edited by OakLeaf; 01-27-2009 at 05:47 PM.
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  5. #5
    Jolt is offline Dodging the potholes...
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    Southern Maine
    15 minutes barefoot on the YMCA track again. I definitely need to build up slowly with this; the balls of my feet are feeling it a bit now. Then I did some strength training in the gym; I am finally getting that routine going--mostly functional-type exercises, only a couple of things using machines (for known problem areas).
    2011 Surly LHT
    1995 Trek 830

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Utah, Gateway to Nevada, not to be confused with Idaho
    Quote Originally Posted by Shiraz View Post
    YELLOW, will you be around?? I think you should run it just for the heck of it
    I think I'm around. But I'm not running anything on pavement! I would be happy to be your sherpa, your cheering squad, your tour guide, whatever! The Bonneville Shoreline Trail Marathon is the following weekend. Hopefully I'll be in shape enough to run that this year. Half, OK, I can do that. But a full is something altogether different...and it's so close to ski season that I end up fretting over not skiing or not running because I was either out running or skiing! And now that I'm becoming a Crossfit junkie, I need to fit that in there too.

    I'm on schedule for a 25k trail race that I'm doing mid-February. Went for a lovely run this evening in the cemetery here by my house. Saw a bunch of deer and no people. Cold (which I LOVE) and peaceful. Ran in the fresh snow last night, which left me wiped but it was so pretty and nice and cold out. Much better than having to run on the dreadmill when the air was so bad last week!

  7. #7
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    After overtraining last week, I didn't do anything 'til tonight except my lyrical class on Friday night. Tonight I decided to do a treadmill run and just see how I felt. The gym was hot and muggy again -- UGH. I did a 1 mile warm up --.5 at 6.5mph and then .5 at 7mph, then 3 miles at 7.5 mph, and then a 1 mile cooldown from 6.5mph down to 4.2mph. I was sweating like CRAZY and really lost energy toward the end. I am convinced I dehydrated myself. As an experiment I weighed myself before and after my run and found I lost almost 2 pounds. That's almost 2% of my body weight in fluid loss (not counting the fluid retained in my clothing -- I was soaked -- not good! So, no wonder I felt so depleted. Did some PUPs (1 set of 36) and then some bicep and tricep curls. That's it for tonight.

    Work stress has been depleting my energy as well. I think I'm going to pass on the 1/2 in March. I think I need to be easier on my body for a while. Maybe do some more yoga and less high stress stuff. I'm getting enough stress at work. I'm trying to be grateful I have a job with the economy the way it is, but that same economy is the reason why I don't have any help (and from what my boss says, won't be getting any help in the foreseeable future) and am so overwhelmed. Any ideas on good-for-me stress management is appreciated (exercising isn't working for me -- it is just causing more stress on my body and depleting me).
    Last edited by michelem; 01-27-2009 at 10:20 PM.

  8. #8
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    Traveling Nomad
    I finally did two one-mile slow runs (jogs) on the treadmill on Friday and Monday since I am rehabbing my quadriceps tendinitis. Felt good except for a couple very mild knee twinges in the evening after each run. I am going to have to come back very slowly from this injury and not push it as I have a tendency to do. I did a yoga class yesterday, which was wonderful, and I have Pilates tomorrow, which I also love. Will try another short run on Friday -- maybe I'll make 1.5 miles this time.

    2011 Jamis Dakar XC "Toto" - Selle Italia Ldy Gel Flow
    2007 Trek Pilot 5.0 WSD "Gloria" - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow
    2004 Bike Friday Petite Pocket Crusoe - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow

  9. #9
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    Aug 2005
    I got in a 4-mile easy run on Sunday. It was cold - in the upper teens with some light (but bitter) breeze, so I bundled up. I'd gotten spoiled since we've had so many mild days here.

    Michelem - I can relate to the work stress. Our office is understaffed, and the doctors and manager (manager is only part-time - a big clue right there!) are having meetings and retreats with a consultant on how to run things better (again, a manager problem - ?). Then they're coming back and meeting with the supervisors (two others and me) and offering new "strategies" - which turn out to be things we've been doing for years already - ? I'd like to change jobs but, yeah, with the economy it's a good thing we don't have to.--

    So, how to deal with stress -- What works best for me is to burn it off - running, cycling, rowing - any good cardio I can work into my schedule and fits weather, etc. A lot of people like yoga, but I've been trying meditation. It seems to help, but it will probably do more good when I get more practice at it. Don't neglect nutrition, either - good balance, protein, carbs; and get plenty of sleep.


    Be sure to balance it - Drink water as you go so you're not dehydrating, take a couple of rest days during the week from the cardio, ingest carbs during/recharge carbs after the long runs, etc. Maybe you're pushing extra hard with all the extra adrenaline and not getting the nutrition/rest to balance it - ?
    Last edited by Deborajen; 01-28-2009 at 06:42 AM.

  10. #10
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    Apr 2007

    I'm sure the sleep thing is a crucial piece of the puzzle -- I couldn't get to sleep until 1:45am this morning and then had to be up for work at 6:30am (good thing it doesn't take me long to get ready and I have a short commute!). This has been going on for a while now.

    Also, nutrition. While I eat very healthfully (no processed foods, etc.), I know I've been skimping lately. My excuses? The stress has my stomach in knots, so I'm not hungry. If I eat before I exercise (within 4+ hours before), I get tummy troubles. I'm not hungry after I exercise. The list goes on, but you get the picture.

    I used to think that cycling and running kept me on track with self-care, 'cause my performance suffers so much when I don't pay attention to rest and nutritition. I think I need a kick in the @ss.

    Thanks for the wake-up call.

  11. #11
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    San Francisco Bay Area
    I got in another 4.4 miles today.

    I didn't feel very well when I got home from work. The minute I got in the car to drive to work I started getting a headache this morning. This class makes me want to quit - right now. By the end of the day my stomach was in knots too.

    I know working out will make me feel better and my wonderful honey sent me an encouraging e mail. So off I went. I set a new PB for this loop, by 35 seconds.

    How long until June?

    Discipline is remembering what you want.


  12. #12
    Jolt is offline Dodging the potholes...
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    Southern Maine
    Yet another short barefoot run on that track, followed by the new strength/balance routine. I've had sore calves the past couple of times afterward, guess they need some extra stretches. I was going to swim tonight but skipped it because I got a flu shot today and my left deltoid is quite sore as a result--not so good for swimming freestyle!!
    Last edited by Jolt; 01-29-2009 at 04:51 PM.
    2011 Surly LHT
    1995 Trek 830

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Uncanny Valley
    Intervals this morning, then straight to yoga all sweaty again. I should've brought a towel with me somehow.

    I made an appointment for a massage with a therapist who works out of the yoga/bodyworks studio. She's supposed to be really good. My rotator cuff is getting better, but the soleus seems to be getting worse. For some reason motorcycling really aggravates it, which I don't understand - not in Florida, anyway.
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  14. #14
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    Skagit County, Washington
    I actually got in a bit of running today! I had to walk to the post office -- round trip 4 miles. Took the dog, and did a walk / slow jog interval from telephone pole to telephone pole. Worked out ok as long as I didn't try to go too fast. The calf is holding up -- a bit sore but nothing serious. Will rest it 2-3 days and do it again if still feeling well.

    It's been 3 weeks since I last pulled that darn thing. I hope it's finally going to stay fixed! Still doing a lot of stretching / yoga and anything that doesn't require walking fast or running!

    Oakleaf: The massage sounds heavenly. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed just thinking about it!

    Veronica: I feel for you -- my hubby is having one of those teaching years, too -- June cannot come soon enough at our house! Hang in there!
    Everyone Deserves a Lifetime

  15. #15
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    Apr 2007
    Did some weights tonight and then a very short run of 2 miles at 8 min. per mile. The a/c is still broken at the gym so it was really humid and hot. Sweat was pouring off me like a river. Yuck.

    I'm looking forward to getting outside on the bike this weekend for a change.



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