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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Help me find time to ride!

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    Hi all-I'm realtively new. My husband is in the military, and leaves the house at 4:30 a.m. to get his long runs in before work. He usually arrives home for dinner about 7p.m. We get one hour with the girls, and then they all go to bed (including husband). By now, it is dark, and I am exhausted from work, and being a wife and mom. I can ride on the weekends, but that is all.

    I am really frustrated. My husband will not budge on buying a trainer until I ride more, but I can't ride more, especially as it is getting dark earlier, and I'm clumsy enough in the light. I work as a preschool teacher and my paycheck would not cover a trainer...it barely covers things like haircuts and backpacks and new shoes for the kids! (I took the job so I could buy those things myself, rather than having to constantly ask for money...)

    I have a 4 and an 8 year old. Other than hiring a babysitter, any ideas?????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    I commute an hour and a half each way, and have a 4 year old. My husband plays golf till dark every day.
    Usually during the week, I try to ride during my lunch break. Even though the ride is short, it gets me outside and on the bike. There are some hilly areas around here so I still feel like I get a workout.
    Sometimes I bring the mountain bike, and from one of the sites I work at (I travel between 3 sites) I'm only about a half hour from some good trails. On those days, I'll have him pick Andy up from daycare, and when I'm done riding I pick Andy up from the golf course and take him home.
    Otherwise, I'd only get to ride on weekends too. It means bringing my bike to work every day. I used to carry my folding bike inside the car- that way it was always available. Now I either have the hybrid or the mountain bike on the back of the car and I'm ready to ride any time I can manage it.
    You might be able to get someone to watch your kids right after school and you could ride after work?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Earth- Littleton, Colorado


    Maybe he is holding off because of Christmas.* As you may already know when you are tight on money and close to a holiday it is best to hang tight.*
    OTHER AVENUE:* 1)Check out Craigs list in your area* 2)look for bike shop that may sell used. 3) Better yet, Put in ad to craigs list looking for bike trainer. Someone may have one they intended to use but rarely or never used at a great price. You may find a real steal of a deal.****

    Craigs list (your city) Left side of screen:
    For Sale: enter in the space: bicycle trainer, Cycle ops (if this is the brand you want)
    Last edited by AutumnBreez; 10-10-2008 at 05:29 PM.
    Holistic Health Coach and Licensed Massage Therapist

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Belle, Mo.
    Why does your husband get to run every day and you don't get to ride? If he gets to run, you get to have a trainer. You have to ask for money? Isn't it a partnership? Sounds like you need to talk to someone. I think it goes deeper than a trainer. Been there done that, took 17 years to learn the lesson. You sound exhausted! I hope you get it worked out.

    2009 Trek 7.6fx
    2013 Jamis Satellite
    2014 Terry Burlington

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Puget Sound
    I know it is not quite the same, but have you considered attending a Spin class during the winter months? The group classes are usually 45 - 60 minutes and can be reasonable in cost.
    We do not take a trip; a trip takes us - John Steinbeck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    San Antonio Heights, CA (Upland)
    Is there enough light in the morning for you to ride before work if hubby compromises and gives up his running a couple of days a week?

    Not sure it's feasible, but if you didn't work, you could ride while the kids are at school.

    That's sad that your dh only gets an hour with them (and you) every night.

    2009 Cannondale Super Six High Modulus / SRAM Red / Selle San Marco Mantra

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    yeah, I missed the part about having to ask for money.
    Depending on his unit, he may have early morning physical training, which is mandatory in some units- so he may not have a choice about the early morning workout. That is done prior to the regular workday. And the days in the military are never really regular anyway, so he doesn't have much choice in that area either.
    However, you may need to take some of your paycheck and put it in your own account for things you want- that's why you work. Your paycheck alone shouldn't go to the household and children's expenses- if it's less than his it should just supplement. An equivalent part of his paycheck needs to go for that stuff. He aint the boss of you.
    It's not much of a workout, but you might be able to ride on a bike path with the 8 year old on her own bike and you pull a trailer with the younger one, and you can all go out together. I've also seen people who have one child on a trail-a-bike which is pulling a trailer for the baby.
    Hope you can find a bit of time for yourself- maybe the spin classes would be great for the winter- sometimes the gyms have childcare.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    S. Lake Tahoe CA and Marion Mass
    I don't see much wiggle room in there to ride outside when you can't do it early and the sun is running away from us now. Other than what the previous poster said about getting a bike for the 8 yr old and trailering the 4 year old. Can you trailer them at that age? too big? hmmmm Maybe a bike for the 4 year old? Can you tell I have no kids!?!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    St. Paul, MN
    Sorry I can't help about the family stuff (but feel free to rail), but you could try and take half hour rides and treat them like sprints. This way you get maximal amount out of your rides. And this can increase your endurance too so in the spring when the weather is nicer and you being riding longer you will feel it. best I can do for you but it is going to be what I am doing anyways with my long work schedule.
    Thanks TE! You pushed me half way over!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    WA State
    I agree with what others' have posted... Two things that stood out most were the spin class and Christmas is coming...
    I love having a trainer, without it I wouldn't get to ride. I have a (near) two year old and 5 year old, so the only time i can ride is during naptime/kindergarten on the trainer in our garage. I would definitely communicate how much you want to ride to your Husband and every time he asks what you want for christmas, say a trainer or money for a trianer. and if he doesn't ask what you want for Christmas, make sure he knows.
    Until Christmas, I would check out the spin classes at your gym. I have trouble taking my kids to the gym kidsclub because they always end up sick, but if your youngest is 4 you might not have that problem. I've enjoyed spinning classes in the past and hope to make it to some this winter. They are great for cardio. But the trainer is definitely more convenient with kids.
    I have a double trailer for my two kids and that works some of the time. I have to be careful with my knees though pulling that much weight and hills are really tough. How big is your 4year old? And if you don't already have a trailer or tag-along, a trainer is actually more economical. I don't make it out on the road much right now... maybe when the kids are both in school full time. I still go back to the trainer being the best bet for you right now if you can get your hands on one.
    Good luck!
    Join Me for the Women's Winter Workout Challenge!
    On my blog at:

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Prescott Valley, AZ

    finding time to ride

    Another option to consider is finding another mom or dad who also needs some time and forming a mini co-op so you can trade baby sitting for exercise time. Maybe 2-3 times a week you each watch each other's kids.

    Taking your kids with you to exercise is also doable if you have the necessary extra bike/ tag along set up.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I got a CycleOps fluid trainer on Ebay for $100 last year. Quite a score. Check Ebay and Craig's List, and even Freecycle - you may get lucky. They had not spelled it right at Ebay, so it did not show up on all the searches, so try to keep your search terms more generic - you'll get more hits.

    Now if only I can make myself actually USE the thing! LOL.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Check this out on e-bay http://cgi.ebay.com/Minoura-Magturbo...d=p3286.c0.m14
    Right now its only $10.50 and its all you need. You don't need anything fancy and you don't have to buy the special tire holder than keeps your front wheel elevated - even with your back wheel. Just get a phone book and put it under your front wheel. You could also find out what bike clubs are in your area and see if anyone would be willing to let you borrow one for a few months. We have two trainers and a set of rollers that collect dust alot during the winter. There is nothing more boring than riding a trainer. A few years ago, we started trainer workout sessions in my garage. We had about 10 women bring their bikes and trainers over and we rode and talked and listened to music. It was fun. We also did this on rainy weekend days. You might want to see if there are any women in the area who would want to do this. I am a part time librarian at my son's school and I try to ride on my days off when the kids are in school. I ride on Saturdays with my friends and my husband rides on Sundays. That way, there is not any babysitting cost.
    I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy it.



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