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Thread: Burning legs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Burning legs

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    Just found this fantastic forum and feel sure you all have the answer to my question. I have been riding my bike (mtb with on/off road tires) twice a day for two weeks. About 20 minute rides around the neighborhood to prepare for longer rides. I am enjoying it so much, but my legs burn almost every day. What can I do (eat, drink, or take) to help with that? So refreshing to find such a nice, clean, informative forum. Keep up the good work! Betsy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ottawa, ON

    the burn

    Hi! I spin in the winter, and I really get the burn from that. Besides riding through it... I make sure that I am hydrated enough. For a 45 minute class, I usually start with drinking a good litre or 2 (if I'm lucky) before, and then another 750 mL (or a water bottle) during, and follow up with another 750mL. This seems to help.
    that's why I ride...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    North Carolina, USA

    some thoughts....

    Just some thoughts....

    Have you been active and just now are taking up cycling or are you coming from the ole couch-potato phase? If you were previously sedentary - it could simply be that you've taken on a lot all at once. If you were already active, cycling uses muscles that other activities don't generally use the same way (unless you're prone to walking up & down the stairs sideways! )

    Is your neighborhood hilly?

    Are you getting enough protein and/or iron?

    Have you had your bike fit checked? If everything is in the "wrong place for you", you'll be wasting energy, using smaller muscles when you could be using larger ones...

    Are you pushing too hard? (i.e. are you using inappropriate/late shifting - you should be shifting sooner rather than later, especially if you've got any hills...)

    You may want to consider "road" tires ("slicks") rather than combo on/off road tires for your mtb if you are riding on pavement; the extra texture on the combo/mtb tires can make you work harder than you need to be (I have a mountain bike as well, which I use for both road and trail/mtb riding - just switch out the tires for whatever riding I'll be doing that day!)
    All who joy would win must share it -- happiness was born a twin. (Byron)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


    remember to stretch after your ride. hold each stretch for 30 seconds on each side. remember your form (quad stretch should have knees close together, not "flying" apart). Is your seat set up properly for you? at the 6 oclock position your knee should have only a very slight bend when you heal is on the pedal (ie put your foot a bit forward). you will need someone to look at your position since this is kinda hard to do on your own.

    spinning is good in the winter, but don't forget some strength training too (ie weights!).

    good luck!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    New Orleans/ South Louisiana
    "Burn" can mean a lot of things- What kind of burn? Usually it means you're making some lactic acid, normal, and buiding muscle, good. Sounds to me like you're doing the right thing. Do you know how to use gears? If your heart hurts shift down. (overload for your conditioning level) If your legs hurt shift up. You're muscles want resistance to work against and if you're too strong or fast for the gear you're in they complain.
    Remember Jane Fonda? "Feel the burn!"? Getting into shape is tough at first and can be confusing. Usually, burn is good. If it becomes actual pain, stop and ask sombody, either your shop, if they're nice guys, or us.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Thank you, missliz, for your response. That gives me a whole new perspective.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Chagrin Falls, Ohio

    Bye-bye, burn

    Take a look at the "Hormones?" thread, where several of your fellow members discuss the mountain bike racers who have discovered SportLegs this summer. We've even offered to share samples with TeamEstrogen members free for the next couple of weeks. So take a look for details.

    Because if you're not enjoying the "burn", have we got a safe, healthy answer for you...


    NOTE FROM FORUM ADMINISTRATOR: SportLegs has been notified that commercial posts are inappropriate in this forum. We're leaving this post in-place for those of you who may be interested in this product -- however, Team Estrogen currently has no experience with this product and therefore the presence of this post on this forum should not be construed as an endorsement.



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