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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Adventure Racing

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    Does anyone here adventure race? Dh and I are doing our first adventure race in about 8 weeks. I'm a little nervous as we have never done orienteering before. We definitely need to get out and practice. There is a geocaching course(?) set up at the state park only a few miles from our house. We thought we'd get some topo maps and compasses and practice there.

    Any advice would be appreciated. thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


    I did an adventure race, and decided it was too much for me - i don't like the HAVING to train for every single thing. I would start hate being outside.

    Anyway, that being said - if you have done orienteering before - maps are sometimes not great quality - keep that in mind. Also, when "aiming" your compass on the map, aim for the middle of something rather than the tip - for example like a lake. this wasn't obvious to me, but when there are many lakes in an area, its hard to know which is which once you start bush whacking. We walked right by our target lake and found another one, had no idea and ended up very very lost. So by aiming for the middle then walking around it, you will end up where you need to be.

    get good socks.

    those are my only bits of wisdom
    have fuN!!

    "The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it."-Moliere

    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." -Thomas A. Edison

    Shorty's Adventure - Blog

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    San Francisco, CA
    Here's my advice -- not necessarily specific to adventure racing but rather to any event with a life partner.

    I suggest you and DH discuss your plan for the event in advance. Be very honest with each other. What will you do if one of you can't keep up. What if one of you gets sick. Or injured. Or cranky.

    Beyond that, I would also try to visualize the entire day with your DH. Try to plan for as many options as you can.

    An event like this could be very high-stress and a real strain on a relationship. If you both understand that, address it in advance, and have a "safe" word (ie something to say when you just need to remind each other that you love each other), you'll have a more successful event!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Flagstaff AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by velogirl View Post
    An event like this could be very high-stress and a real strain on a relationship. If you both understand that, address it in advance, and have a "safe" word (ie something to say when you just need to remind each other that you love each other), you'll have a more successful event!
    Good idea Velogirl:

    I don't usually do stuff like this with my hubby cause he is very a type when it comes to athletics of all type, but when I do, I use a "not so safe" word when he is being a problem, and then wait till after the event to remind him "I Love him" Otherwise, he would just laugh in my face. Of course, not all men are the same! spoke

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Thanks for the advice. I think this event calls for a new pair or two of smartwool's.

    DH and I have started talking about it. I did some work for the race organizers so we got a free registration. With that in mind, DH and I plan to just have fun --we'll see if we can stick to that being that we are both so competitve.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New Jersey
    We adventure race. It is very different than a regular race because there is a huge mental factor thrown in. If you know where the race is going to be held, go there ahead of time to get a general lay of the land.

    The races that we have participated in, they do not announce the location until one month before the race.

    Make sure you practice running with wet feet. They will run you through rivers for sure.

    Make sure you practice with all of your gear on.

    Make sure you stay flexible. It is not always the fastest team that wins, it is who races the smartest.

    It is a ton of fun, but be prepared, very different.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Smile AR tips...

    I have been adventure racing for a couple years now.

    Nav training- The best way to start is by participating in local orienteering events. Many have an intro clinic before the meet starts. I think the Michigan group is something like "southern michigan orienteering club" There is a good book called Wilderness Navigation that many local racers have used:
    http://www.mountaineersbooks.org/pro...ils.cfm?PC=587. Buy a topo map and go for a hike. While on the trail, take note of your surroundings and see how they translate on the map.

    I would recommend doing a AR "brick", ie- trail running, riding and a paddle. I see you're in Michigan... Island Lake State park would be great for this (I used to love riding there). If the race director says it will take 4-6 hours, then try a couple 6-hour sessions.

    Also, practice bushwhacking, with and without the bike. Nothing says fun like carrying your bike through some tangled underbrush!!

    Let me know if you have any other questions!



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