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Thread: other sports

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Halifax, NS

    other sports

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    Come on folk, I know that people here must do other sports than just biking (well, some do at least). List them here. I'm kinda curious if there'll be any trend.

    For myself my other main sport is rock climbing. If you've never done it, you should try it. And remember that outdoor is different than indoor, in my mind there's little comparison. Indoor climbing is only used for training when it's wet or cold.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    Well, I too rockclimb, but not seriously. I started this past winter, and since I live in MN that means climbing in the gym. I have yet to get outside, it seems like such a chore--drive 45 min. to the nearest place then set up a route, then climb, wait, climb more, drive all the way back--it seems to by a day long adventure. I don't have that much time to commit to it, so for now I run to the rock gym whenever I can (I try for once a week , but settle for once about every other week) and enjoy a good 2 hour climbing session. I looked for a weekend trip or something to try outdoor climbing, but summer is so busy as it is that nothing seemed to work out. Maybe after my weeklong bike outing to Chicago I'll be able to spend more time enjoying the wonderful sport of rockclimbing. I love indoor climbing, so I bet once I try outdoor I'll be hooked! Cimb on--and ride on

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Halifax, NS
    Hmm, It does take time to accually get outdoors to the crag. Noramlly for me that means a half hour to an hour drive then maybe a half hour to 45min walk in. It doesn't bother me too much (When I used to live with my parents and it was at least half hour dive to an hour to get anywhere, and I like the hike), but if you go out then you should be prepared to commit the day to it.

    How about bouldering? Some times the areas are more accessable and there's no time committed to getting ropes set up. When I go craging I'll take the day, bouldering I don't want to be climbing for more than a few hours.

    Hope that you get out soon, I recommend going out doors at least once before the summer ends to see what it's like. Good luck and crank hard.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    rock on!


    I rock climb too. well i haven't done it in a bit because i keep re-injuring my poor little shoulder. I get the same "zone" feeling rock climbing as i do mountain biking. Just me and nature! I usually climb at the gym but on occasion get outside in Gatineau Park nearby (about 45 min drive to the site) and i have climbed in the Adirondacks.

    My other sports are: road cycling, running, downhill skiing, cross country skiing. and i would like to learn some volleyball. i have played a couple of time and i really like it!

    Happy riding!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Florida Panhandle


    Hey, any paddlers out there?

    I got a used kayak at the beginning of the summer and it's been a hoot! I'm still a beginner, of course, and I'm talking flat water and bay kayaking vs. whitewater. Still, I'm thrilled just being out on the water in my little boat. Also, it's a nice counterpoint to cycling--mainly works the upper body, though the core muscles are a big factor and lower body comes into play for stabilizing and swinging the hull.

    I've been teaching myself from a book so far--read a chapter, go out and try the techniques, read another chapter, etc. But I may take a class or two before the summer's over.

    As with rock climbing, paddling can involve some effort to reach the "playground," but once you're there, it's every bit worth the trouble. On the water, "Life is but a dream."
    "Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself." --Walt Whitman

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet

    Cross Training


    I used to rock climb in my college days and it is a wonderful sport. Since about 1980 I've
    been doing Aikido, a traditional Japanese martial art, similar to jiu jitsu.

    I'm not sure whether Aikido helps my cycling more than vice versa but knowing how to take a
    high fall has sure saved my butt on a bike several times. You've still got to wear a helmet.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Middlesex Co., VA.
    I kayak, also flat water but think it's a wonderful complement to the cycling. I just recently moved back from CA. to VA. and I'm thoroughly enjoying the scenery by way of my bike and kayak. The best of both worlds for sure! IpedLnpadL

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I've rock climbed some. Hope to get back into it when the weather cools off a bit. Enchanted Rock is an excellent place in Texas. Also love backpacking. Getting away from the rest of the world, carrying everything you need on your back. Walking the trails and all you hear are the birds and the wind blowing through the trees. It can't get much better. Has anyone ever tried sky diving? Lately I've been thinking about it.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Northern Ontario, in the country
    I just recently discovered this site, as to other sports, I live in northern Ontario, last year I was able to bike until Dec 10, we got tons of snow, so then i could snoshoe. i use the newer type aluminum shoe rather than traditional. i play broomball, slopitch and ball hockey in summer. Biking and snoshoeing I love to do on my own, feels peaceful, clears my mind whatever. Paintgirl

  10. #10
    pennys Guest
    moutain bike
    tele ski intermediate
    alpine ski expert
    class 3 rafter

    penny s

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I have to tell all of you what I did a couple of weeks ago. I went skydiving. It was my first jump, tandam. It was awesome. It is hard to explain what I felt as I was freefalling then floating down once the parachute opens up is so peaceful. Most of the people I have told about it think I am crazy but say they are proud of me.
    Why did I do it? Because I am 39 years old and I am not getting any younger. I'm a wife and a mother but I also want to be just me sometimes and do whatever I want and not worry about what ifs anymore. Life is too short to sit at home and dream about all the things I want to do. I have already paid for my second jump and will probably go before the month is over.
    If anyone out there is thinking of doing a jump or anything else adventurous I say go for it.

    See ya in the wild blue yonder.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet
    Wow! Skydiving, you're brave, not crazy. May all your safe take offs have equal numbers of safe landings.

    Hmmm, I noticed a common theme. Does anyone play any team sports? Didn't think so. I don't. Probably has to do with always being last picked in gym class ;-)

    My significant other plays women's pro football, yes, tackle, not flag. She also rides a bike which helps to keep the legs fit and loose.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Conway, Wa
    Interesting question Trek. I do not, can not, will not ? play team sports. I have always prefered indy sports to team. I have no talent when it comes to working with others to win. I never really enjoyed PE unless it was gymnastics or something like that. Happy riding, and climbing and hiking and kayaking and what other passions one may enjoy!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet

    I just do individual sports; aikido, cycling, hiking, a little weight training in off season.
    Nothing competitive.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Northern Ontario, in the country
    I do 2 team sports, broomball, which is my favorite, and softball. Softball often drives me crazy, standing around waiting for something to happen,. broomball is great, because we have only a few spares, so you play most of the time, and you can run like crazy, and make things happen.I sucked at basketball, only played football at family gatherings, I had 8 brothers and sisters so we were a team, fought all the time. paintgirl



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