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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Spokane, WA

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    I started riding three years ago to lose weight (100 pounds). I bought a comfort bike and started riding to work a couple of day every week, plus DH and I would hit the local trail on Sundays. That first year I did lose a few inches but since I rarely get on the scale I don't know how much weight I actually lost. As soon as I stopped riding for the winter I gained what ever I lost back instantly!

    So the next spring I started all over again. The cycling hook had caught me so I bought myself a road bike for mothers day. And I started riding. And riding and riding. I rode about 1500 miles that year and come winter I bought a trainer and continued to ride indoors. Thank god for MP3 players. I lost about 20 to 30 pounds that year and have kept it off.

    So last spring I was ready to ride as soon as the roads were cleared. I did a couple of 50 mile rides as well as my first century ride. The interesting thing about last year, I did lose some weight, but I really started to build muscle because I started to fit into clothes that I had worn when I was about 20 pounds lighter. I continued to ride to work, weather permiting, and rode the trainer all winter. I totaled just over 4000 miles last year. I also bought a sweet new road bike.

    Which brings me to this year. I commute to work everyday and try to fit longer rides in on my days off. My goal, starting this month, is to ride a minimum of 100 miles every week. I have mostly maintained my weight loss which I figure is about 50 pounds. As much as I would like the weight to come off faster, 50 pounds in three years is better than nothing. I know it's healther that way, it still is soooooo sloooow!

    So to sum this all up, if you get out there and ride, watch what you eat and don't give a damm about what you look like in lycra, the weight will come off! Most importantly have lots of fun doing it! bikerHen

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I'm hoping to repeat my weight loss when I do get back out there. I just feel so unsteady and unsure of myself at this heavier weight - and I'm terrified of falling. My balance and such are long gone at this point. My plan was to build up slowly, and I'll probably stick with that, as well as strength training and possibly spinning.

    I don't much care about how I look in lycra - I've been overweight as long as I've been riding, but never this heavy. I hate wearing just t-shirts, but have not had luck finding plus size cycling jerseys that actually fit. My latest try makes me look like I'm wearing a "mini mumu" - the fit is ridiculous and I bought it according to my measurements. Guess I'll stick to the t-shirts until I go down enough to wear my jerseys again.

    Glad to know there are so others out there who've been through this or are going through it now.
    janella, cvt

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Spokane, WA

    I agree

    [QUOTE=jkrcvt;197208]I just feel so unsteady and unsure of myself at this heavier weight - and I'm terrified of falling. My balance and such are long gone at this point.[QUOTE]

    I think that's why I suck at mountain biking. No balance and I have steering issues. And that fear of falling? Major issue!

    I do much better on asphalt. bikerHen

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Boise, Idaho
    I think it's the shifty ground, BikerHen. I really hate that about being on the dirt. If the trail is really flat, then it's not quite so bad, but if there's any kind of incline, that shifty ground makes it absolutely impossible for me to ride! down hill -- I get off and walk. Makes DH crazy!

    (and I don't think losing 50-75 pounds is going to help that!)

    Yup, I'm very content on the paved roads, can slime my way up just about any hill I try now, and fly down the other side of the long straight ones -- what an exhiliarating thing to do!!! (though curvy big downhills are nearly as bad as dirt!)

    Karen in Boise

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Little Rock, AR
    I too would like to lose some weight, about 50 pounds. I am very excited that my boyfriend has just bought a road bike so now I have a riding buddy. Hopefully it will help me lose the weight.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Daytona Beach, Florida
    I also have a bunch of weight to lose and I am a beginning biker as well. So far I haven't felt too self conscious on the bike - I'm too busy trying to figure out how to shift properly! I'm also a Weight Watchers member, and that program is a great way to learn how to change your eating habits - like they say, it's not a diet, it's a way of life. You can do this!!!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    New Jersey


    It has been so great reading all the posts.

    Is there a way to keep similar ones going, so we can all support each other on our way to shedding the pounds and becoming stronger riders?


  8. #23
    Join Date
    May 2007


    "...what I really want is to be back on my road bike. I just had my bike cleaned, tuned-up, etc. and it's ready to ride again - now I just have to work up the courage to get on it again. I have one pair of shorts that I can fit into (barely), but have NO jerseys. "

    I know how you feel.

    When I first started, I wore cotton track pants and t-shirts. They were at least comfortable, but the ride home was gross since I would drip sweat. Happily, I started losing weight - I was originally a size 28 last spring, but now I am a size 22-24! I have slowly purchased shorts, skorts, jerseys and cold weather gear. But if you only have shorts and tees to wear, wear 'em loud and proud! I've had lots of praise from other cyclists in my city, and have been cheered up hills by complete strangers. I have been heckled - a couple of morons in an old beat up car followed me for a block until I stopped somewhere safe - but nothing else.

    It's more important to do what you love, than to listen to the puny brained idiots you'd never pay any attention too in the first place. Heck, I'm cheering for you!
    Last edited by cyclokitty; 05-04-2007 at 05:19 PM. Reason: forgot quotation marks

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I have 30+ pounds to loose but it feels like 100. I am riding but not loosing, mainly because I eat too much sugar and other fatty things. I am having trouble getting started on a diet and sticking to it. I see others on this site have joined weight watchers. I am going to look into that too. I need a constant reminder to eat healthy and leave the sugar and fat alone plus the support of others in the same situation.

    Working in a kitchen there is food everywhere and it is so hard to resist. I find myself eating even when I am not hungry. I am also having menopausal issues and the extra weight and lack of self control really depress me.

    Every morning I wake up with resolve to stick to a good eating plan but usually blow it by lunch. I do better on the days I get to ride. It is so good for my mental attitude.

    I love riding and want to be healthy and fit. I Just don't understant why wanting it and doing it are two different things. Food has so much power over me and I just want to take my power back and do what is good for me.

    Any insight from you great TE women would be greatly appreciated.
    All of you that are on a good program and sticking to it I envy you!! Keep up the good work.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    one day at a time

    Pam, I lost 100+ by cutting out all sugar and processed foods. If it came in a box or bag I did not eat it. I have slowly incorporated things back in but still avoid sugar and junk food like it is poison. Now, I do indulge on occasion, but it is only when planned. If I am going to a party, I know that I will have a few chips - but I know it ahead of time. This way, there is no impulse eating. Now, my advice for you on "blowing it by lunch" is don't throw in the towel if you eat something you don't consider good. If you tell yourself that you ruined the day, you will end up over indulging for the rest of the day. Just like riding, there are ups and downs. When you hit a bump, dust yourself off and start over - right that minute! You will be amazed if you change this mindset, you will be able to stay on track. I wish I had stopped thinking "oh well, I will start again on Monday" 20 years ago! Keep you head up and you will succeed. We don't overeat because we are hungry, it is a mental thing! The other thing that has helped me maintain my loss for over a year it replacing bad habits with healthy ones. Instead of eating when I am lonely, I go to a book club, or call a friend for a movie. Instead of eating because I am bored, I jump on my bike or hit the hiking trails. Find passion in healthy activities! I am with you all - I have decided this summer will be my time to take off the last lbs and become the fittest woman I can!

    If anyone is interested, we could start a thread of our weekly progress. Weight changes and miles ridden:
    Trish - this week -1.6 lbs (25.4 to goal), 98 miles
    If not now, when?

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Thanks Trish,
    Wow, what an inspiration you are!!! Thanks for the good advice. I definately will work on changing my mind set because that is exactly what I do. If I blow it I figure I wasn't perfect so what the heck I will start tomorrow and it becomes a vicious cycle.

    I would be very interested in joining a new thread where we keep track of rides and weight progress. I think it would help me very much.

    This morning I rode for 3 miles, had a flat, don't know how to fix it, so called my husband and he picked me up. It's fixed now so tomorrow I will go out for at least 16 miles before work.

    I am at work today and will weigh myself so I can report next week.
    I have heard it is good to only weigh once a week. Is that what you do?

  12. #27
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Daytona Beach, Florida
    Pam - I've found it helpful to only weigh once a week - I don't like to focus on the scale, but rather on how I'm feeling and how my clothes are fitting. That way, you aren't all bummed out when the scale is not your friend - it gives me a mental reason to eat whatever I want if I'm not feeling successful.
    I rode 10 miles for the first time today and tried to keep it between 11 and 12 MPH. I was tired, but it felt good (once I stopped sweating!)

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Good for you Cricket. I wish I could have gone 10 miles today. I had a flat after 3. Hubby picked me up. My tire is all fixed now, so plan on going out tomorrow a.m.

    I don't have a scale so it will be easy to pay attention to my clothes instead of the scale. I will weigh myself at work tomorrow, never had time today, just to see where I am so I can chart my progress.

    I am just about off of work for the summer and will be able to get more ride time and exercise, yoga and pilates. Plus I will have time to make good healthy meals.

    I signed up for spark people diet today. Will work with that for now.

    Thanks for all the info everyone.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Thanks for the recommendation of sparkpeople. I just signed up and went through the process and liked it.

    What I don't like in general about these kinds of things is that I begin to feel like the program (any program) is a huge gnawing weight on my shoulders, and thinking about food all the time (to figure out what to eat next meal, etc.) overwhelms my ability to think about anything else.

    But for now, sparkpeople was cool because it automatically figures stuff for me. There are a few things I need to figure out now, but the basic setup was good and I've logged my breakfast and water so far, and after I ride I guess I'm supposed to log that, too!

    Again, thanks. This should at least help me get started.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darby361 View Post
    If you tell yourself that you ruined the day, you will end up over indulging for the rest of the day.
    You're only one meal away from being back on track, and that's your next meal!
    Last edited by pooks; 05-06-2007 at 06:43 AM.

    “Hey, clearly failure doesn’t deter me!”

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by pooks View Post
    What I don't like in general about these kinds of things is that I begin to feel like the program (any program) is a huge gnawing weight on my shoulders, and thinking about food all the time (to figure out what to eat next meal, etc.) overwhelms my ability to think about anything else.
    I feel like this too, but this year I have decieded to just take it slow and lose weight. Meal planning in advance has really freed my mind from obsessing about food. I always have the same thing for breakfast so I don't have to think about that and I try to make a few nights dinner at the same time so I don't have to prepare food or think about food as often. I have totally stocked my pantry and frig with healthy (or at least low cal.) items.

    My goal was to lose 70 pounds between January and September, I have now modified that goal to lose 70 lbs no matter how long it takes. I have lost 26lbs so far and although I think about dieting alot I don't feel like it is consuming me like it has in the past.

    Slight thread hijack-PastryPam were in California are you? I think I saw before that you are in the So. Cal desert and so am I.




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