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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    where the wind comes sweeping down the plain

    Central Oklahoma riders?

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    Hey ladies
    I live in NW OKC, and was wondering if there are any other city girls who want to get together for a regular weekly ride? I have some people I normally ride with, but I thought a TE ride would be a fun one to start up. I see ladies from other parts of the country who regularly get together and ride and thought that sounded like a lot of fun! We could ride at Hefner, Overholser, River Trails or on country roads outside the city limits. Weekends, weekdays, whatever.
    Let me know if you're interested in starting a regular weekly ride (and even tho it's dark early, I'm up for riding in the dusk w/lights).
    Check out my running blog: www.turtlepacing.blogspot.com

    Cervelo P2C (tri bike)
    Bianchi Eros (commuter/touring road bike)

    1983 Motobecane mixte (commuter/errand bike)
    Cannondale F5 mountain bike

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Whoo hoo! I'm in Moore...I MTB I am a newbie and I am SLOW....good to meet you!



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