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Thread: Connecticut

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Cool Connecticut

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    I live in Hamden (near Bridgeport) Connecticut and just started riding in the begining of August. We have a wonderful trail that used to be a railroad, it's called the Farmington Canal Trail. It's about 17 miles going up and back from end to end. People ride, roller blade, and walk this trail and it's a great place for families. I also just bought a book called short rides in Connecticut, the shortest is 8 miles and the longest is 30. The only thing about riding here is that it's fairly hilly. I haven't quite gotten used to that yet, but we have gone for a 20 mile ride done in 1 hr and 40 minutes. If I could just make my rear end stop hurting.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    North Carolina, USA

    Red face rear end pain

    I'm a new rider, too. (been riding about 7 weeks). Have you had your bike fit to you specifically? My LBS has this service for $50 and it's the best $50 I ever spent on biking! I just couldn't believe the difference it made... I had been riding about 8 miles and was sooo sore! The day after the adjustments to my bike, I went for a 20 mile ride and had no pain at all! Anyway, just something you may want to think about... Happy riding!



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