Yea but really if I had an actual stalker, it's pretty easy to find anyone via google maps. It's just not something I'm all that worried about.
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I headed out for my usual morning run with the dog. I've done this run hundreds of times. Every time it's 4.3 miles. I like it because we can stay in the neighborhood and there is usually someone running a sprinkler for the dog to play in to cool off.
We were cruising along, I was a bit lost in thought like I do when I run and randomly my watch beeped like it does when we hit a mile mark. That's odd, we're usually further down this street when we hit a mile. I think maybe I wasn't paying attention and missed a turn or something. No problem I can double back and make up the distance. Then not too long after that it happened again. Now I'm confused. Ok hmm maybe I didn't reset my watch before I started, but odd thing was the time was right. This kept going and my 4.3 mile run that may have actually been a bit short today ended up being 6.1 miles. I thought I had it all figured out, it's doing kilometers instead of miles well I don't know how I did that but the thing has a mind of its own at times so not a problem. I'm sure someone out there in google-land has a way to make it go back to miles.
I got home and downloaded it and the map is very very strange. My only conclusion here is that the dog and I were abducted by aliens and somehow they convinced us that we were doing our normal run when we clearly were not.
This is the route we usually take:
And this is what my watch had this morning
The dog look like he knows something
cryin' won't help ya prayin' won't do ya no good
Yea but really if I had an actual stalker, it's pretty easy to find anyone via google maps. It's just not something I'm all that worried about.
cryin' won't help ya prayin' won't do ya no good
Dog saw where the probes went...
Rodriguez Adventure
Bacchetta Bellandare
HPV Gekko fx
Custom Rodriguez Tandem
2009 Specialized Tricross
2012 Trek Mamba
doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo
Ok, that came across better with actual notes. Twilight zone.
2009 Trek 7.2FX WSD, brooks Champion Flyer S, commuter bike