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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    What did you eat today?

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    I am genuinely interested in what other people eat on a daily basis-- especially here at a women's cycling forum! I want to know how people eat before big races and long rides. I'm curious to see what kind of spread we have here.

    I will start

    Today I ate:

    No breakfast That's a huge no-no, but I woke up late and didn't have time to grab anything before swimming this morning!

    Gardenburger without the bun
    A heap of steamed broccoli
    Roasted cherry tomato salad
    A couple ounces of turkey on the side

    A large bowl of brown rice with two eggs scrambled and delicious kimchi
    Glass of OJ

    What did you eat today?
    Help me reach my $8,000 goal for the American Lung Association! Riding Seattle to D.C. for clean air! http://larissaridesforcleanair.org

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Atlanta, GA
    3/4 c Kashi Heart Healthy
    1 banana
    1/2 cup 2% organic milk

    Morning snack
    No fat yogurt
    1 c grapefruit

    Hebrew Nat'l no-fat franks (2)
    1 c sauerkraut
    1/2 c mashed potatoes (my passion!!)

    Afternoon snack:
    15 almonds

    Garden Salad with spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, olives, feta cheese and balsalmic vinegarette
    1/2 hard boiled egg
    "I never made "Who's Who"- but sure as hell I made "What's That??..."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Your day looks pretty much perfectly balanced-- nutrition-wise. I wish I had enough forethought to plan snacks, but I'm usually too busy to think about being hungry mid morning and mid afternoon.
    Help me reach my $8,000 goal for the American Lung Association! Riding Seattle to D.C. for clean air! http://larissaridesforcleanair.org

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Atlanta, GA
    I can't take too much credit for that. DH packs me a big lunch box every day with all the snacks and good food to keep me away from the vending machines. I just open it and pull out snacks and eat. I'm a lucky ducky.
    "I never made "Who's Who"- but sure as hell I made "What's That??..."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Indeed! I need my boyfriend to move in pronto. I'll put him to work
    Help me reach my $8,000 goal for the American Lung Association! Riding Seattle to D.C. for clean air! http://larissaridesforcleanair.org

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Western Canada-prairies, mountain & ocean
    Did everyone who posted so far cycle today?

    Last few days not normal at all food-wise ad cycling-wise, since I'm visiting family and friends. Cycling has been only 12-35 kms. daily. I normally ride 42 kms. daily back home in Vancouver.

    Since yesterday was a non-cycling day due to other activities with 2 sisters, I won't elaborate unusually diverse and filling meals, including 1 early dinner at Chinese restaurant where 3 of us shared 4 entrees.

    But since you asked with curiosity for "longer" rides, recently 4 days ago as part of 35 kms. trip:

    1 small bowl of cornflakes with skim milk (hey, it's my sister's home.)
    a fresh peach
    tea with skim milk

    Lunch (This is not normal for me. I barely have any lunch. I've improved over the years, at least a bigger breakast is a regular habit now.)
    1 slice of bread with 2 tblsp. of goat cheese
    tea with skim milk

    Supper (at my dearie's son's gastropub. he is chef/cook there, it was destination goal of our ride
    shared 1 large bowl of chilled minted melon and cucumber soup with dearie
    I had leek risotto with scallops, mushroom and tomato
    pineapple juice

    Came back where before 2 hrs. before went to bed, had plum and tea with milk.
    Last edited by shootingstar; 09-15-2009 at 06:22 PM.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I swam for 45 minutes this morning (leisurely) and then rode about 15 miles this afternoon (also leisurely)
    Help me reach my $8,000 goal for the American Lung Association! Riding Seattle to D.C. for clean air! http://larissaridesforcleanair.org

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Well, since I just signed up for the weightloss challenge, I'll fess up to my diet as well.

    BF Frosted bite size mini wheats with 2% milk.

    Snack, string cheese and almonds

    Lunch,3-4oz Roast beef on WW with light mayo and mustard.

    snack, 1 small cup(120 cal.) ice cream. almonds
    snack, 100 cal granola bar
    Dinner, tons of fresh green beans cooked with some sort of specialty sausage from costco.
    cup of 2% milk

    Oh yeah, a few mini reese's from my secret stash in my room that the kids don't know about. After these are gone I won't refill the stash. But I'm too weak to toss them out.

    Today I did week 5 day 3 of couch to 5K which is 8 min. jog, 5 min. walk, and 8 min jog. Tomorrow is my bike ride day.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    mini reese's are both the essence of evil and the essence of all that is good and right in the world.
    Help me reach my $8,000 goal for the American Lung Association! Riding Seattle to D.C. for clean air! http://larissaridesforcleanair.org

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Vancouver, BC
    Two somewhat-thick pieces of home-made spelt bread, each with honey, peanut butter, raspberry spread and cottage cheese.

    Coffee. (Nothing in it.)

    Hard-boiled egg once I got to the office.

    A small-ish portion of udon noodles with two lime&cilantro flavoured chicken drumsticks (leftovers from last night). With the skin, thank you.

    A handful of cherry tomatoes and maybe 5 cubic inches of cheddar.

    An espresso.

    A (home-made) bun stuffed with a little more cheddar and home-grown sprouts, with a bit of Dijon mustard.

    That's it up to now, and I don't know what dinner will be yet.

    Oh, and maybe 3 small squares of milk chocolate (Ritters with cornflakes!). And about 2 liters of water.
    Last edited by Grog; 09-15-2009 at 06:14 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    This a good thread for me. I've always struggled with my weight. I grew up eating what my mom called balogna boats: Ringed pickled balogne with a large scoop of mashed potatoes and topped with lots of cheese.


    Fried egg sandwich (1 whole egg + 1 egg white on gluten free bread)

    Coffee and nature valley granola bar

    2 cups cooked vegetables with a tsp olive oil and light seasoning
    1 cheese mozza cheese stick
    (usually it's more planned, but I was rushed this morning)

    12 raw almonds

    1/2 cup quinoa
    Chicken and broccoli stirfry (1/2 cup)

    1/2 ounce 86% dark chocolate

    I wasn't planning no the last snack, but I ended up doing an hour ride on the trainer after I got the kids to bed.
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Columbus, OH
    Breakfast: bowl of oatmeal with about 2-3 tbsp of dried cranberries, plus a slice of homemade banana bread

    Morning snack: yogurt and a banana

    Lunch: Tuna sandwich on homemade bread

    Afternoon snack: a cup and a half of carrot sticks and celery sticks; about a cup or so of red grapes

    Late afternoon snack: apple

    Dinner: fried egg sandwich (2 eggs) with a slice of cheese on a whole-wheat english muffin

    Post dinner snack... one beer

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Riding my Luna & Rivendell in the Hudson Valley, NY
    Nothing really to brag about, but today's food was:

    2 fried eggs, 2 croissants, a large skim espresso latte

    large bowl of whole wheat cereal with lo-fat milk

    2 bowls of vegetable soup jam-packed with veggies grown by myself and neighboring friends.
    Way too much local sheep milk cheese w/herbs.

    After breakfast today I rode my bike 16 miles which included a few big hills.
    My mountain dulcimer network...FOTMD.com...and my mountain dulcimer blog
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  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    pancakes with sugar free syrup, scrambled egg

    six oreos

    large bowl of home made mac and cheese with ham and broccoli in it

    and a bunch of delicious concord grapes that I bought from a woman down the road for $2.00
    Last edited by Zen; 09-15-2009 at 06:58 PM.
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    San Antonio, TX
    B: 1 chicken sausage (spinach and feta) and coffee
    swam laps
    L: 1 turkey burger (no bun), garden salad w balsamic vinaigrette.
    D: 1 Lobster, asparagus w lemon, radishes, 200 g FAGE full fat yogurt

    (if I were gonna do a long ride after breakfast I would have eaten 2 sausages instead of 1)



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