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Thread: No riding Here!

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Albuquerque, NM

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    *sigh*...and here it is sunny, gorgeous, and 48 right now. Theres not a cloud in the sky, some spinkles of snow on the mountains and I'm trying to decide it I can go down to 2 upper layers for my ride home! *sigh*.....it so rough being me!
    Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming: "Yeah Baby! What a Ride!"

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Norwood, MA

    I guess my Nokians stay on

    Yesterday was so nice, I could actually spin some decent speeds on my way home. Even this morning it was 40F and just starting to rain. Come 5:00pm the sleet line hit work, just as I was leaving and the temp had dropped to 28. The wind was pretty stiff. By the time I was nearing home the snow was on. My husband said I was totally crazy, he's right, but I'm totally stir crazy. I'd hoped that this week I would be able to ride all 5 work days; but if we get 4 to 8 inches tonight, tomorrow will be out. This is the worst winter of the 5 I've commuted. I usually have switched to my hybrid by this time. Bare pavement thats all I want. Of course then I'll ask for the potholes to be filled. Meanwhile, my new road bike hangs in the basement.

    Bike conversation overheard from the basement:
    Hi, I'm Honeybee, who are you, and what happened to you?
    I'm Virtual Reality, but she calls me VR for short. I just got back from a winter ride, so I'm covered in salt and sand. Then I have all these lights on me, and reflective tape. She be down to clean me up a little after supper. I'll feel a lot better after that. It's bad enough out that I may have tomorrow off.
    Geez, I thought it was going to be fun, when Doug was tuning me up he promised me lots of miles, but he didn't say anything about this.
    Oh don't worry, talk to Flora and Ruby over in the cornor. She doesn't treat them like this, although she did put fenders on them. They go out the rest of the year, I'm the only one that goes out in this kind of weather.
    Now VR, you know perfectly well that Ruby goes out on New Year's day, and I did the work year round that first year. She made studded tires for me that winter. I've got a lot of miles for a little bike, and a good number of them in winter.
    Calm down Flora, you know you don't really want to go out in the winter anymore, you always complain about your chain hurting. Honeybee is just trying to get the lay of the land here. Ruby, you explain things to Honeybee, if you aren't too jealous.
    VR, what do you mean saying I'm jealous. We all arrived here without fenders and racks. We are all meant to work. I just happen to be the one that gets to travel and work. I've been out of state, you know. Now Honeybee, you are a little on the delicate looking side. I don't know if you will be able to pull your weight in this stable.
    Hold on Ruby, she talks to herself when she rides to work, you know that.
    Yes, that's true. Some days she about makes me scream with her muttering.
    Well all right, I've been listening to her carefully. She has been talking a lot about Honeybee here and her plans for her. Honeybee isn't here to be a work bike like us. She's going to stay a road bike. You go out with Dan and the kids, Flora. Ruby, you take her to work and tour someday. Honeybee, you will take her on long rides to train for touring. We've all got jobs, no reason to be jealous.
    VR is right as usual Honeybee. I was just being old and cranky. Glad you're here, isn't that right Ruby?
    It sure is Flora.
    Thanks guys, I'm glad to be someplace where I won't get lonely.
    Can it guys, she coming downstairs. Don't anybody get between my bath and lube!

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    All I hear in my basement is crying and "I hate the snow, I hate the snow, I want to go out." Surly is becoming my nature not my name.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Norwood, MA

    it is not snowing here

    No, its more like it's snowballing here. Excuse me while I go scream.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Can I join you in the screaming? About 10 new inches here where I am this morning. Out west its in the 80's. It looks like January, not March.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North Andover, Massachusetts USA
    My bikes and I would like to join you in the screaming! It's the middle of March, and I can't believe we haven't seen any sign of spring yet.

    While I'd prefer warmer temperatures, right now my bikes & I would be happy with dry roads! It's supposed to be in the 30s today, and if the roads were dry I'd definitely be out there. But given that I believe my poor bike would be covered in salt and mud within 5 minutes, my outdoor activity today is going to be limited to walking!

    ...wishing for no more snow, no more snow, and warmer temperatures too!

    • Click here for links to journals and photo galleries from my travels on two wheels and two feet.
    • Random thoughts and experiences in my blog at denisegoldberg.blogspot.com

    "To truly find yourself you should play hide and seek alone."
    (quote courtesy of an unknown fortune cookie writer)

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Snow is NOT my friend!

    It's snowing here, too, but NOTHING like the snow you ladies out east have gotten. Still........... it's enough to keep me inside on the trainer instead of outside on the roads so I can empathize a bit! I feel your pain! I have little "Think Spring" signs up all over my house. They aren't having any effect, as far as I can tell. I was able to get outside on the bike this past weekend, but the high temp for the day was 24 and the wind was 15-25 mph, which made wind chill a consideration. Not the most pleasant of rides, but at least I was out! It was worth a slight numbness of the extremities.

    I think we will have earned some beautiful April weather, after surviving the stuff we are getting in March.

    Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived." Captain Jean Luc Picard

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Albuquerque, NM

    Angry Lesson Learned

    OK OK.....I learned my lesson.....no more "gee its Gorgeous" comments! It's SNOWING in New Mexico! (insert fowl languague here).....I mean the mountains are Completely gone...covered in storm clouds and we have accumulation. I drove today coz it was supposed to Rain all day but the rain became snow and driving home with idiots that have Not a Clue how to drive in the snow is going to be a challange. I don't even OWN a snow brush and my truck is covered! I didn't bring mittens, gloves....heck I don't even have a heavy coat in the truck....we aren't supposed to get this kinda weather. I am Most disturbed!
    Spazz....did you do this?? Mass??...Denise??......fess up...Who did this?!
    Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming: "Yeah Baby! What a Ride!"

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    Not me (hee hee). Just kidding. Since its such an unusual event for you, look at it as a beautiful change of scenery. I love the first snow of the season. Its the rest of the winter I hate. At least you know it will be gone shortly. The ground is still white here. I wouldn't mess with the girls in New England anymore if I were you.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North Andover, Massachusetts USA
    Quote Originally Posted by CorsairMac
    OK OK..... It's SNOWING in New Mexico! (insert fowl languague here).....I am Most disturbed!
    Spazz....did you do this?? Mass??...Denise??......fess up...Who did this?!
    Nope, not me either! I've had enough of this white stuff - but then again I had enough of it as soon as it started, and mid-March is definitely too late for this nonsense. The weather wizard I've been talking to doesn't seem to be listening, but I won't take the credit (or the blame) for snow in New Mexico!

    --- Denise

    • Click here for links to journals and photo galleries from my travels on two wheels and two feet.
    • Random thoughts and experiences in my blog at denisegoldberg.blogspot.com

    "To truly find yourself you should play hide and seek alone."
    (quote courtesy of an unknown fortune cookie writer)

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Sunny California

    Thumbs down The price of sunshine

    It's warm and sunny here in California. I mountain biked on Saturday and did a great 50 mile road ride in the sunshine along the coast on Sunday.

    We love our weather out here, but a 950 square foot house (2 bedrooms / 1 bath) costs almost a half million.

    It hasn't snowed here in 40 years, but we all have to pay in one way or another...

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by CorsairMac
    It's SNOWING in New Mexico! (insert fowl languague here).....I mean the mountains are Completely gone...covered in storm clouds and we have accumulation. I drove today coz it was supposed to Rain all day but the rain became snow and driving home with idiots that have Not a Clue how to drive in the snow is going to be a challange. I don't even OWN a snow brush and my truck is covered! I didn't bring mittens, gloves....heck I don't even have a heavy coat in the truck....we aren't supposed to get this kinda weather. I am Most disturbed!
    Spazz....did you do this?? Mass??...Denise??......fess up...Who did this?!
    And, there are those who say global warming doesn't exist. When I was a toddler in AbuQ X decades ago it wasn't unusual for it to snow in town. Maybe not a lot, but nobody was surprised about it. A couple weeks ago we had 2 tornados in West Sacramento. The weather is getting weirder and weirder.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Gee, I am truly sorry that you had to join our white little club...but I am trying to stay optimistic and like Annie THINK SPRING...it's supposed to be 40+ all week here in Massachusetts so I am going to try to get all my work done early so I can ride with my son when he gets out of school!!


  14. #74
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    Hey Karen,
    Where did you buy your Brooks saddle?

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Albuquerque, NM

    Abq update

    Just as an update - hell hath no fury like.......insert choice here. Albuquerque had about 4-6" of snow on the ground this morning and they are predicting another 5-8" before the end of the day. Having been born and raised in Mich and Ind I've driven in these conditions but Abq has Not a clue how to handle something like this. They shut down both major interstates yesterday through the canyons and the streets are very icy and slick. 2/3s of the businesses are closed today as are the schools. We even made the National Weather Channel! Woohoo.....anyway - this is bad for us and it's going to get worse before it gets better. Please keep Abq in your thoughts.

    PS: Saw a very brave soul riding his bike this morning by-the-way! You Go Guy!
    Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming: "Yeah Baby! What a Ride!"



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