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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    East Bay, CA

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    Real name: Casey
    Where do you live? San Leandro, CA

    Explanation of your handle: My boyfriend and I were dreaming of a tandem right before I signed up for the forum. I was to be the Admiral (or the stoker) and I was going to sing to him to get him through the long rides we would take. Therefore: Admiral Finch. Plus, I just like thinking of myself with a long beard and a stuffy captain's uniform. ha ha.

    Explanation of your avatar: I still don't understand how to put one on.

    Age (general or specific) 25. 26 in march. ooooh yah.

    Occupation: lead auditor, but I'm a writer. a poet, actually. i just have to work for money.

    Favorite bike: mmm. Independent Fabrication. any of those. don't I wish.

    What's in your stable? 2002 Lemond Buenos Aires. Red. Name is Hen. One unicycle. One Raleigh M80.

    Fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? 45. out on a ride alone near lake chabot. must have been in... july last year.. i had my computer set on something other than speed and when i got home I checked the settings and BAM! There it was. I had never gone above 30 before that day.

    Another picture of yourself or your ride? I don't understand this question. I'm 5'3, blonde, and I ride a red bike... if I knew how to post pics, I would, but I don't cause I'm dorky.

    What is the biggest lie you've ever told: That I made 45mph. ha ha. no. not really. I can't remember right now. which should tell you something...

    Most memorable moment on my bike: Riding for the first time at night and being completely alone on a trail, without lights around me, and feeling like I was flying.

    Most fun ever had on a bike? Oh man. I don't know. Everytime I'm on I feel great and I have a blast. It's those endorphins. They make every thing great. The Breast Cancer Fund's Ride for the Cure was awesome. It was pretty fun. Cinderella this year is going to be a blast.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Tucson, AZ


    Real name:

    Where do you live?
    Hillsboro, Oregon

    Explanation of your handle:
    My X and I had an old Harley and some time around the time I knew I was leaving him he gave me permission to buy a bike (he meant a new Harley so he could ride it too) so I bought a custom built road bike much to his surprise! I was also riding with a group of guys training to do the Aids ride and they thought it was so funny that I bought a bicycle instead of a Harley they called me a real bikerchic. The name stuck.

    Explanation of your avatar:
    It's a road bike what else?

    Soon to be 53

    Domestic Goddest and ruler of my domain

    Favorite bike:
    Have it my,my,my,my Serotta

    What's in your stable?
    My Serotta "FlyGirl" I used to have a Trek 7000 which I gave to my daughter, it resides in Arizona now with her.

    Fastest speed on a road bike?
    Fourty-freakin'-two! Yeah it was downhill......sigh.

    Another picture of yourself or your ride?
    I have lots but no web host to put one up right now.

    What is the biggest lie you've ever told:
    I didn't do it!

    Most memorable moment on my bike:
    Pace lining with two guys on the Palm Springs 50 miler, it was freakin awesome and I never felt so alive as I did then. Have you ever felt like one with your bike, when every thing just clicks and you are suspended in time? Well that was a time like that for me. It was so sureal something I'll never forget.

    Most fun ever had on a bike?
    *wiping tears from my eyes* Rides with my sister. She lives over a thousand miles away from me now. She and I started our road riding together training for El Tour de Tucson 50 miler in 1998. We were hooked early on and had so many wonderful "training" rides together. We did some pretty goofy things, the kind of things only sisters share. What fun we had and I miss her dearly. Oh and I miss riding with her too.
    Life is like a 10 speed bike, we all have gears we never use.
    Charles Schultz

    "The bicycle is just as good company as most husbands and, when it gets old and shabby, a woman can dispose of it and get a new one without shocking the entire community."Ann Strong, Minneapolis Tribune, 1895

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Atwater/Merced, CA (Central Valley)
    Real name: Kim

    Where do you live? Atwater, California

    Explanation of your handle: I'm injecting cycling (i.e. my feel-good drug) back into my life after about 10-12 years of being out of it to get married (to a non-cyclist), create a home, have three kids (one of which WILL be a cyclist, so help me!), and go to night school to advance my career and self. All the while, I have identified myself by my parenthood and marital status, I realize now totally ignoring what really makes me tick - getting out on my bike and enjoying the health and euphoria that comes with it. That's the "bike" part. The "momma" half is the newer part of me that also makes me tick these days, and is what I answer to around the house.

    Explanation of your avatar: an avatar... you mean I can have an avatar??? hehe Nope, not yet...not enough posts - still a newbie.

    Age: 34
    (before the injection of cycling bit mentioned above, I was probably more like croaking age, whatever that may be)

    Occupation: City government, Land-use planning for a future college town....here come the cars. But there's hope...bike lanes are planned on most streets....

    Favorite bike: any fast machine with a lovely paint job, shiny spokes, and that purring sound I love so much on the road..... Kestrel comes to mind. Saw one from across the grass at the Sea Otter Classic Expo and fell in love.... dropped everything! -- handed my daughter off to my hubby, said "I'll be over there" and I was, just like that. I haven't drooled like that since I was a wee-tiny baby in diapers. Oh my!

    What's in your stable? A still-pretty (but dirty!), still purring Cannondale with a new Terry Butterfly saddle (love it! credit to the "Terry" threads for recommending!), but that is sadly showing it's age (I got it 17 years ago!). Keeping my eyes pealed for anything that fits the pocketbook, but that Kestrel is looking mighty yummy. Oh, and recently was given an older Bianchi that needs some tlc - not rideable at the moment, but couldn't beat the price.

    Fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? Oh my, it's been a while and how I DO miss the speed! I think probably about 45/50 mph is what I experienced before, while going downhill in the old mining town of Hornitos (near Mariposa, CA) and up a little bit past there. There is a certain downhill, though, before you get into Hornitos that I used to gun for at the top of the hill. I'd be positively sprinting all out at the top, and I'd carry that speed over the crest and down the other side. I'd do 45 around the next corner if I had the wind to my back. Soooo much fun.

    Another picture of yourself or your ride? None at the moment...I'll work on that.

    What is the biggest lie you've ever told: how does that one go?? ummm, oh yea -- "I can't remember, which means I've either told too many, or I don't lie! (I'll let ya'll pick!)"

    Most memorable moment on my bike: Every wednesday, I'd do the ride to Hornitos, about 65 miles from Merced, CA. I'd do another 10 mi loop - the long way home - if I didn't feel like going home yet (and it wasn't too hot). Those moments, all of them on those rides, were memorable. Especially in the spring, the landscape was gorgeously green, with wildflowers everywhere, and a view of the snow-capped Sierra range (aka Yosemite Nat'l Park locale) in the distance. Another memorable moment was beating a particular rider (a guy who was just SURE he'd always be faster than me) in a sprint on our tuesday sprint interval ride. Oh, life was sweet that day!

    Most fun ever had on a bike? I agree with most here - every day, every ride is a joy, even when it hurts. But I had the most fun, I think, when I was able to keep up with the guys, the racers, every time I went out with them and finish a ride with the pack. One particular day, on a training race with another club in another city, I was riding in the middle of the pack, being sucked along by the draft, on a sweet, smooth road with the wind favorable, I looked down at my computer and we were going 35/36 easy. I was barely peddling, the wheels were humming all around me, the company was good, my legs were strong - oh, to go back in time! THAT was exhilaratingly fun. How I love this sport! Why did I ever wait so long to get back into this??
    Last edited by BikeMomma; 01-24-2005 at 02:43 AM.
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Portland Oregon
    Real name:

    Where do you live?
    Portland, Oregon

    Explanation of your handle:
    Well, I live in Portland, I'm a girl and I'm all about riding (road and mountain)!!

    Explanation of your avatar:


    Part time advertising and full time mom to 5 year old twins

    Favorite bike:
    I too love love love my Serotta!

    What's in your stable?
    I have 3 bikes, a Trek 2120 (my commuter bike), my Serotta CSI, and my Gary Fisher Procaliber mountain bike (I love this bike too!)....my DH has 3 or 4 bikes, and my kids have a couple. So as you can see, our stable is full, lol.

    Fastest speed on a road bike?
    49 miles per hour in the beautiful Columbia Gorge

    Another picture of yourself or your ride?
    I'll work on getting some photos scanned

    What is the biggest lie you've ever told:
    I didn't do it!

    Most memorable moment on my bike: Cycle Oregon 2003 - day 3, Hells Canyon on the Idaho/Oregon border -- simply stunning!

    Most fun ever had on a bike? I always have fun on my bike --- especially when mountain biking in a scenic location! A really fun time was when I won Shredtopia cross country mtn bike race in '96 and also won the series (beginner vet)...it was so much fun!

    Work to eat
    Eat to live
    Live to bike
    Bike to work
    -- BTA

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    La Crescenta, CA

    Re: Getting to Know You!

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by CorsairMac
    [B]Here it is ladies! Got this off another bike forum and had great fun! Just copy and paste then change to fit you!

    Real name: Donna
    Where do you live? La Crescenta, CA

    Explanation of your handle: I'm a mother of 5 that mountain bikes

    Explanation of your avatar: avatar??....you mean I could have an avatar??

    Age (general or specific) 45 Nov 23

    Occupation: Retired RN full time mom

    Favorite bike: HPL Alchemy

    What's in your stable? HPL Alchemy , Specialized Stump Jumper FxSR , Trek 4500 hardtail

    Fastest speed on a mtn bike? where? when? 30mph riding down some black top that leads to the trail head at La Tuna

    Another picture of yourself or your ride? Don't know how to post on this site

    What is the biggest lie you've ever told: the usual as a kid, but now I really value the truth.

    Most memorable moment on my bike:Riding in the rain for the first time in the Arroyo Seco (don't worry it was fire road type trail ;-)

    Most fun ever had on a bike?The first Womens Only Weekend in Big Bear that I went to.

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Vernon, British Columbia

    here's me....

    Real name: Teresa

    Where do you live? Williams Lake, BC, Canada (no we are not all Free-Riders here!!)

    Explanation of your handle: Apparently I called myself the Little ***** That Could one night half asleep. There's a sticker on my bike that says that now. It works!

    Explanation of your avatar: I've had avatars before. They've disappeared before. Too much work!

    Age (general or specific) 37

    Occupation: admin

    Favorite bike: mine

    What's in your stable? Santa Cruz Juliana Super Light; Giant OCR1 road bike; Norco Torrent

    Fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? 62kmh coming down Fox Mountain Road on a training ride. (the road biking is to make the mountain biking faster) yikes!

    Another picture of yourself or your ride? I take the pictures....I'm not usually IN them....well not pictures that are suitable for a family forum! heehee

    What is the biggest lie you've ever told: it's all lies on some level!

    Most memorable moment on my bike: Passing my husband at the top of the climb at the Merrit race last year, and staying ahead of him on the oh-so-amazing-flowing downhill, then pulling away from him on the climb out. Wahoo!!!!!!! The perfect ride! (There's even a picture to prove it...somewhere)

    Most fun ever had on a bike? The first time I lead the Wednesday night ride. Those guys are FAST and the singletrack is tough, and I still lead 2/3 of the climbing! But there's so many other times when I've been one with the bike. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Zen.


    Bonus question:

    If you weren't riding your bike, what would you be doing?
    Taking pictures!


  7. #52
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North Andover, Massachusetts USA

    Re: here's me....

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by LBTC
    Bonus question:
    If you weren't riding your bike, what would you be doing?
    Taking pictures!

    Teresa -
    Thanks for posting the link to your photos. I haven't looked at all of them yet (it's on my list for at home tonight), but the few that I looked at are gorgeous.

    --- Denise

    • Click here for links to journals and photo galleries from my travels on two wheels and two feet.
    • Random thoughts and experiences in my blog at denisegoldberg.blogspot.com

    "To truly find yourself you should play hide and seek alone."
    (quote courtesy of an unknown fortune cookie writer)

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    North Texas
    LBTC - beautiful photo work. What an eye you have!

    Love the dogs (and kitties)! Border Collies, yes?
    no regrets!

    My ride: 2003 Specialized Allez Comp - zebra (men's 52cm), Speedplay X5 pedals, Koobi Au Enduro saddle

    Spazzdog Ink Gallery

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Vernon, British Columbia

    woof woof

    Thank you, Spazzdog and Denise for your nice comments! I really love to take photos and sharing them is half the fun!!

    Yup, border collies all the way! And yours? blue healer or healer cross?

    smart little fellers, aren't they?


  10. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    North Texas
    blue heeler thru & thru
    no regrets!

    My ride: 2003 Specialized Allez Comp - zebra (men's 52cm), Speedplay X5 pedals, Koobi Au Enduro saddle

    Spazzdog Ink Gallery

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Real name: Melanie

    Where do you live? Salt Lake City, UT

    Explanation of your handle: it's a name I use when I don't use my real name, especially for subversive pieces of public art...

    Explanation of your avatar: Hard to see...but it's me reflected in a window...

    Age (general or specific) 29...but as crazy as it sounds I'm really excited to be 30 this year!

    Occupation: Volunteer Services Coordinator/ Graphic Designer for a Volunteer Center

    Favorite bike: oh boy...I love those pretty Rivendell bikes...but my favorite bike is the kind you can buy complete for the price of the frame...and then change out everything to make it so special and lovely...

    What's in your stable? a Surly Cross Check, a really heavy old speck MTB and a 70's Peuget from the thrift store...and my boyfirend's Independent Fabrication MTB and his road bike, some Specialized thing...and 2 Trek children's bikes belonging to my sons...

    Fastest speed on a bike? where? when?
    I have no idea, but one time I was riding to work and a city utiltity truck came up next to me at a stop sign..the drivier said, "You were going about 30 miles an hour!"

    What is the biggest lie you've ever told:
    It's okay honey...I don't have to have an orgasm every time...

    Most memorable moment on my bike:When I realized I could ride any where I wanted to...it was no longer can I get there...it was how long will it take me?

    Most fun ever had on a bike?
    Finishing my first cross race...I was so stoked!!...I guess that was the happiest time on my bike...
    I always seem to be having fun on my bike...

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Real name: Lisa

    Where do you live? Spokane Valley, WA

    Explanation of your handle: I like riding on the dirt. Singletrack beats pavement any day, for me.

    Explanation of your avatar: A doctored-up version of my bike

    Age (general or specific): 40

    Occupation: Officially a part-time graphic designer. In reality, a graphics production person.

    Favorite bike: That I own--my Juliana

    What's in your stable? My FS mountain bike: Santa Cruz Juliana, hardtail: Specialized Rockhopper, a very old Sekai Ladysport road bike that someone gave me (I call her The Poodle 'cause she's pink), and if the LBS can tweak the fit tomorrow (cross your fingers) a 2003 model Trek 2000 road bike

    Fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? The Poodle's brakes scare the pants off me, so I'm sure it's not very fast. That's one reason I want to buy a new road bike.

    Another picture of yourself or your ride? Attached: Mount Saint Helens last summer

    Most memorable moment on my bike: Lots of things pop into mind. Many of them the first time I cleaned a certain obstacle. There was one time I fell, no, more like flew off the side of my bike after washing out in some gravel on a downhill. Smacked both knees so hard it brought tears. I rolled over to gather myself as several people stood over me, and I suddenly started to feel a wet trickle at my side. We all got a laugh out of that when I figured out it wasn't blood but the water pressing out of my hydration pack.

    Most fun ever had on a bike? Anytime I get to experience "the zone" when everything is clicking and I'm focused on nothing but the moment. It doesn't happen very often, but it's sweet when it does.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	MSH3.jpg 
Views:	1950 
Size:	44.5 KB 
ID:	4  
    Plays in dirt!

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Real name: naama

    Where do you live? israel

    Explanation of your handle: my second name is seri' means imy family is originaly from Yemmen.

    Age (general or specific) : 40
    Occupation: in the israeli Tv.
    Favorite bike: MERIDA 904, ROAD
    What's in your stable?
    Fastest speed on a road bike? 90?? WHILE DECENDING

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Albuquerque, NM
    welcome to the board naama. what a beautiful name! thanks for posting here - I hope you enjoy reading all about us as much as I do!
    Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming: "Yeah Baby! What a Ride!"

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Charlotte, NC
    I sure hope that 90 was kilometer/hr not miles per hour!! Welcome to the site. I've visited Israel 3 times although not for 15-20 years. Beautiful country rich in history.



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