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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet

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    Quote Originally Posted by celticgarden View Post
    Yeah, living longer for me is not a goal. Living healthier, yes. My friend's Mom is 93, just gave up her keys last year. Being 93 and active (cooking for the "seniors" at the center!) is great.
    +1,000,000. If I can do half what my 89 year old Mom does at her age: gardening, weeding and pruning her garden, canning fruits, raising heck as an activist, walking to the store, reading to her great grandkids .... I'll be happy. It's quality of life.

    She says "keep moving"
    Fancy Schmancy Custom Road bike ~ Mondonico Futura Legero
    Found on side of the road bike ~ Motobecane Mixte
    Gravel bike ~ Salsa Vaya
    Favorite bike ~ Soma Buena Vista mixte
    Folder ~ Brompton
    N+1 ~ My seat on the Rover recumbent tandem

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by KnottedYet View Post
    I'm not a fruit fly.

    I'm not a rat.

    The study doesn't apply to me.

    I think it's cute that the end of the article talks about how all you need to do is decrease the protein, and then you can eat MORE of everything else and still get the health benefits!!! Ooh, boy, isn't that music to the Standard American Diet: Look, you can eat MORE! It's all about finding ways to eat MORE! Hey, we'll put cellulose in the bread which you can't digest, then you can eat SIX pieces of bread instead of just TWO! Yay! MORE MORE MORE. Drink this soda sweetened with a neurotoxin, and you can have a sixpack at lunch instead of drinking just one can of sugared soda. MORE MORE MORE. Drop the chicken from your soup, and then you can have THREE bowls instead of ONE! EAT EAT EAT. Give MORE money to the corporations that find ways to feed you more, and everyone gets MORE of what they want. Sheesh.

    Eat good food. Savor it. Have 5 ml of alcohol with your meal. Go for a walk.

    What is it Michael Pollan says? "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."
    Oh so true.

  3. #33
    Kitsune06 Guest
    A vegetarian friend of mine firmly believes the human body needs only 46g of protein a day, and while she's fond of adding milk, cheeses and eggs to her meals, she holds a certain disdain for the standard american diet.

    On the other hand, I know several who are very fond of their Atkins' diets and cling to them like a small child clings to a stuffed animal.

    I have to agree with many above, saying that moderation is the key to thriving in every sense.

    GLC, If you're looking for a good, 'authentic' Japanese green tea that has lots of flavor, check out the portland japanese garden's gift shop for SA green tea
    like this it has a very, very rich flavor, especially if you use hot but not boiling water and only steep for about 3-4 minutes. That way you get the benefits and flavor without the bitterness. It's great with a little honey, too.
    Hope that helps.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Uncanny Valley
    According to this article, athletes who don't get enough protein not only experience slower recovery and slower improvement, they're putting themselves at risk for injury and illness (the latter because the body needs protein to manufacture white blood cells).

    ...it is the position of the International Society of Sport Nutrition that exercising individuals ingest protein ranging from 1.4 to 2.0 g/kg/day. Individuals engaging in endurance exercise should ingest levels at the lower end of this range, individuals engaging in intermittent activities should ingest levels in the middle of this range, and those engaging in strength/power exercise should ingest levels at the upper end of this range.
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler



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