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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New Jersey

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    I was supposed to run today. I tried to run today, but my body said no....so I cut it short and walked it home. meh....sometimes it happens.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Uncanny Valley
    Wow BikeDutchess, that looks spectacular. Hope your ITB heals up soon. Sounds like you've been getting plenty of excitement though!

    RnR - yep, sometimes that happens. It would happen to me every day if I tried to get up at that hour of the morning! I definitely have to eat before a run, too, hope you figure out something that will sit right with your stomach.
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by OakLeaf View Post
    Wow BikeDutchess, that looks spectacular. Hope your ITB heals up soon. Sounds like you've been getting plenty of excitement though!

    RnR - yep, sometimes that happens. It would happen to me every day if I tried to get up at that hour of the morning! I definitely have to eat before a run, too, hope you figure out something that will sit right with your stomach.
    I am fine in the am, no matter what time I run. It is the after work run that kills me.

  4. #34
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    Jul 2003
    Traveling Nomad
    I'm very happy today. I was planning to do an official 5K today but injured myself (achilles or soleus, still not 100% sure), as I've mentioned above, right before I signed up so was not able to run for the past two weeks. Gradually the pain decreased to the point that the last few days I felt totally back to normal.

    Now I wish I had signed up for the event after all since it was cheap (150 pesos or around $10), for a good cause, AND I would not have been DFL. I happened to catch the tail end of the run on my walk this morning, and there were a bunch of older local women walking with friends and chatting. They were walking slowly and just doing it for the cause or the fun of it, not to make any certain time.

    The reason I am happy, though, is that I started out doing a walk this morning and was feeling so good that after a long warm-up, I tried jogging. I figured I'd go a quarter- or half-mile, but I was feeling so good (and no pain whatsoever in the achilles or calf) that I ended up running somewhere between 1 and 1.5 miles (did not have my GPS) out of my 3+ mile walk. I kept it to a slow jog and felt like I could have gone all day!

    So I'll be easing back into it, but I am not going to do speedwork again for a looooong time, if ever, as that is how I injured myself. I'll just stick to my usual moderate pace and be very happy that I can do that.

    2011 Jamis Dakar XC "Toto" - Selle Italia Ldy Gel Flow
    2007 Trek Pilot 5.0 WSD "Gloria" - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow
    2004 Bike Friday Petite Pocket Crusoe - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Sounds like it felt great Emily, glad to hear it!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New Jersey
    Well it sounds like everyone that is running is trudging right along. Emily, so glad you are feeling better.

    We had a good trail run today. A bit warm for my taste and raining. My poor hubs. I wake him up at 6am on Sunday morning and prod him out of bed and into the rain, but he was great about it. We did the same trail combo as last week. The roots and bridges were a bit dodgy, but it was fun.

    I had a massive blood sugar crash mountain biking yesterday. It has been happening a lot the past year, only when I mt bike. Last week I was able to push it back, but yesterday not so much. I was wrecked by the time we got home and my body temp had dropped to 94 degrees. YUK. So I was worried that I would not feel good running today, but aside from tired legs, I did just dandy.

    Skipped my usual Sunday yoga. Ate a big post run breakfast, did a few hours of school work and then tool an hour nap. The dust bunnies will have to stay free range for a few more days.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Traveling Nomad
    Sorry to hear about the blood sugar crash, RnR. Sounds like you need more nutrition during and maybe before your rides, especially since you say it is happening often.

    Glad the run went well, though. You are tougher than me, doing a trail run in the rain!

    2011 Jamis Dakar XC "Toto" - Selle Italia Ldy Gel Flow
    2007 Trek Pilot 5.0 WSD "Gloria" - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow
    2004 Bike Friday Petite Pocket Crusoe - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by emily_in_nc View Post
    Sorry to hear about the blood sugar crash, RnR. Sounds like you need more nutrition during and maybe before your rides, especially since you say it is happening often.

    Glad the run went well, though. You are tougher than me, doing a trail run in the rain!
    Easy peasy, warm rain.

  9. #39
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    New Jersey
    Skipped my short Thurs run again yesterday. It was really warm and gross. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

    Tuesday however we opted for the trails instead of the rail trail. We did and out and back 5 miler. The out was sloggy. Blech. At the mid-point turn around I took a gel and about 5 mins into the return I felt like I was in a Red Bull commercial. Felt great. I was smiling, and feeling grateful to be out, and look how pretty the woods are, and no, no, I cannot take that call from the sponsors right now, I am on world record pace...step aside husband... ( just kidding, it is a joke between he and I ).

    I do need to get the Thurs run squared away. We are in a long stretch at school and it has been a tough start to the year for me, I think that has something to do with my end of the week droop. But we are heading into a break next week. Time to recharge.

  10. #40
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    Traveling Nomad
    I walked and ran just a bit (1 to 1.5 miles, no GPS so I'm having to estimate) on Thursday morning, but my right side Achilles is feeling just a bit tender again, so no running for me tomorrow. It's not nearly as bad as before, stairs are fine, but when I pinch it gently, it feels tender, and I noticed it being a bit stiff at the beginning of yoga today. So it may be awhile yet before I can run more than a mile or so. We did a lot of stairs up and down to our third-floor room in the hotel we stayed at Mon-Wed, and they were rather steep, so I am hoping that's what has it tweaked again and not running.

    2011 Jamis Dakar XC "Toto" - Selle Italia Ldy Gel Flow
    2007 Trek Pilot 5.0 WSD "Gloria" - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow
    2004 Bike Friday Petite Pocket Crusoe - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New Jersey
    I got out for a good trail run yesterday, just under 7 miles. Solo run this week, my husband was mt biking with some of our riding buddies. Normally we ride on Sat and do our longer run on Sunday, but I have a saddle sore, for lack of a better term, and so I opted not to go ride. It also gives him an rare opportunity to go ride with a group of guys a not have to worry about how I am surviving. I know he is not comfortable with me being off in the woods by myself, but to his credit, he did not say a word.

    It was SO beautiful yesterday morning. Crisp, like 27 degrees or so, and I was actually in the woods before sunrise, so I got to see it come up through the trees. I was going to take a picture, but that required taking my pack off. I did get a picture of steam rising off the lake when I was done. Very pretty.

    I did pretty well, just ran my own pace, added on a mile. I got up and did a few easy miles on the road this morning to work out a few stiff corners, and I will head off to gooey yoga this morning to stretch.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  12. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA
    Nice picture, Rocknroll.
    I am envious of everyone running. I so want to be a runner, at least on a moderate basis, but my body rebels. I even bought some nice trail running shoes, because I like it better than road running. But, even that hurts my hips and mildly affects my knees.
    2015 Trek Silque SSL
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  13. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Utah, Gateway to Nevada, not to be confused with Idaho
    Beautiful, RnR. That is the perfect temperature. Fall running is so lovely.

    I love running in the woods solo (well, here we don't really have woods; more like occasional groves of trees interspersed with rock outcrops and oak brush fields). I have no idea what hubs thinks about it. I feel safer out there than I do when running in urban areas.

    This was from a run a couple of weeks ago (this area is now covered with snow). Happy fall! More pictures, ladies! Where do you run?

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	17837

  14. #44
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Gorgeous running photos!

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by yellow View Post
    Beautiful, RnR. That is the perfect temperature. Fall running is so lovely.

    I love running in the woods solo (well, here we don't really have woods; more like occasional groves of trees interspersed with rock outcrops and oak brush fields). I have no idea what hubs thinks about it. I feel safer out there than I do when running in urban areas.

    This was from a run a couple of weeks ago (this area is now covered with snow). Happy fall! More pictures, ladies! Where do you run?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	wasatch_fall.jpg 
Views:	302 
Size:	111.1 KB 
ID:	17837
    That is beautiful. Solo running in that country would cause heart palpitations around in this house. I understand my husband's concerns, there is a story behind it, so I do not let it bother me, as long as he does not try and stop me from going. Normally he is with me so it is not an issue. But we have talked about it, we acknowledge his concerns and I do my best to try and quell his concerns. Short of not going. He would not ask and I would not acquiesce. Well he might, but he knows I would still go

    Remind me to tell you all the mountain lion story some time.....



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