COSMETIC procedure. I'm against cosmetic surgery, especially since I have the pleasure of working with women and their gynecological issues professionally. Cosmetic surgery is not a solution. Sure, different surgeries actually do work for some people, but having your gallbladder out seems to be easier than having even a nose job.
Leave your labia alone. Unfortunately, there are pain issues that are common and the health community has a long future of trying to figure out pain. There is still so much to learn. People put so much faith in the medical community and surgery, and there is a lot we can do, but there is a lot we are venturing into that we will most likely be correcting, or trying to correct in the decades to come. Microsoft Windows is kids' stuff compared to the complexities of the human body.
This kind of stuff just pisses me off. I'm so sick our free, "civilized" society objectifying women and treating their bodies like blowup dolls.
I don't know about you guys, but the genes that are responsible for my labia have worked successfully for generations of women for millennia, and I fully intend to keep mine as is. Yes, I also have hair down there.
Go figure. I'm a mammal. Golly gee.
MountainandRoad, I'm not picking on you.
The topic just got me to rant. I do have a bit of discomfort after riding for about 90 minutes or more, so I am going to look into different women's saddles. I hear finding the right one can make a world of difference.