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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

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    I don't think color matters so much on the spoke lights; they're going round and round and that's what speaks "bicycle here!"
    (I have had 'em all at some time or another. Oh, and you can put one 2032 battery in there and it does as well as the two 2016 that are stock; our bike project sells 2032 for a dollar so I do that).
    Lane position is pretty important, too...
    You can do lights much much cheaper -- a five dollar flashlight and rubber bands... a head lamp from a camping store... rear blinkies are a little harder to come by, tho', and IMHO they're really important.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    SF bay area
    hi all/responding to Jermaine's question
    I checked out this thread again now that my morning ride is in the dark again, and evening ride will soon be in the dark!

    Here's what I am currently using for visibility (still a work in progress):
    1) two industrial light and motion lights, one on bars (the urban 400, which is on the low end of lumens for their line but seems to work pretty well for my commute) and rear red light.
    -I haven't gone to a helmet mounted light, but the ILM lamp came with an elastic strap for helmet mounting and their website has a whole section devoted to helmet mounts
    -I'm really happy with these lights which hold charge well and have a variety of intensity/blink or nonblink settings. plus charge indicator (I never remember to charge lights without this feature). I'm still using the niterider/cat eye light combo (see original post) on my rain/pannier bike, but I think my visibility- and ability to see the road- is fantastically better with the ILM lights

    2) lighter clothing- white arm warmers, white helmet, white vest, bright red gloves. I think this helps. My route has a few segments where I am going under freeways and I think the light helmet/clothes make me more visible even if I am not running my lights

    3) to address the "I feel invisible from the side" issue:
    -I got a set of sliver reflective bike wrappers -- reflective "wraps" that you can wrap around your top tube, seat tube, down tube, thus turning the entire tube into a reflective surface. I use these occasionally, and usually just use the top tube wrap. I think this helps, eg, when riding across a dark 4-way stop with cross traffic that isn't necessarily looking for a bike. The wraps are easy to put on and off, so I usually use just for my evening commute segment, which is where I have more traffic and more four-way stops with traffic coming at me from the sides. I don't use them in the am

    - the ILM lights project light to the side as well as towards the front- clever!

    4) I am considering putting more reflective tape onto my backpack, but haven't gotten to it yet.

    ANy new ideas from the list on this topic?
    Last edited by NadiaMac; 10-20-2013 at 09:38 AM.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I regularly commute in the dark and, quite frankly, prefer it over riding in traffic during the day. I'm lit up like a Christmas tree, or, as a runner pointed out to me last week, "a strange alien being." If a car were to hit me, they would not be able to claim they didn't see me.

    I have a generator hub on the front that drives a German LED headlight and taillight. It is bright enough by itself to ride on an unlighted MUP. Because the taillight is German, it is a solid light.

    So on the rear, that isn't enough for me so I run dueling Planet Bike Turbo Flashes. They're irritating and with the 2 strobes running out of sync, I cannot be missed. I've had cars roll down their window at stop lights to ask about the lights and thank me (I'm sure a few cuss me out, too, but those I ignore).

    As for side lighting, I added reflective tape to the spokes (http://www.rei.com/product/808967/li...wer-reflectors ). When I put them on, my attitude was "it can't hurt". They work well even 2 years later with a coating of road dirt and mud. And, of course, my panniers and jacket have reflective tape (but note: reflective tape only works at a short distance. By the time a car sees your reflective tape, it is probably too late -- use lights if you can).

    I also ride with a light and motion 360 on my helmet. Better than a horn -- focusing the headlight into the interior of the car/truck coming at you from the side makes you immediately visible. I've had cars coming from cross streets clearly not have seen me slam on their brakes after I "flash them"....of course, if they had *stopped* at the stop sign...but I digress. The L&M is nice because it is a USB charge -- I can easily recharge it at work if I run down the charge (one charge gets me about 2 hours).

    Anyway....there is a lot of great lighting out there. Some of it expensive (the Light and Motion isn't cheap, nor was my generator setup), but there is a lot of less expensive kit (like my Planet Bike Turbo Flashes) that aren't that expensive and work well.
    2009 Waterford RS-14 S&S Couplers - Brooks B68-Anatomica - Traveller
    2008 Waterford RS-33 - Brooks B68-Anatomica - Go Fast
    2012 Waterford Commuter - Brooks B68-Anatomica - 3.5-Season/Commuter
    2011 Surly Troll - Brooks B68 Imperial - Snow Beast

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I prefer a dark commute as well (other than the getting up early part ). Overall, I'm pretty comfortable with my setup:

    -Front: main light is a Busch & Muller Ixon IQ. Battery powered German light that I LOVE. Nicely shaped beam and plenty bright for unlit trail. Right now, it's on my bars, but I have a fork mount that I'll try whenever my new bike shows up-- the fork mount and the cantis on my current commuter don't play nicely together. I also have a Flea that I run on strobe since the big light is solid only.

    -Rear: Flea on the rack and some kind of little Knog in one of the vents on my helmet. Both running on different flash patterns.

    -Passive: reflective trim on shoes, jacket(s), helmet, pannier. Reflective tape on the legs of my rack and reflective strip on my tires (more visible when they're clean...).

    The only things I'm contemplating changing is adding some kind of annoyingly bright helmet light for the 6am zombie drivers and a more sturdy rack-mounted tail light (Flea is currently held in place by a velcro strap and a paperclip...). I'm on the fence about the helmet light since it really would be for about 15 minutes of apartment-to-trail distance in the mornings but I suppose if I can find something cheap and rechargeable I may give it a shot.



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