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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Louisville, Kentucky


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    Go with some slicks! That way you can decide which bike you want to save for...hee,hee

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I can either make her pay money for it, and or move on and forget. I choose to move on...what goes around, comes around :-)
    You're very generous - did she at least offer to pay for it? Was she remorseful? You are a better person than me, cause if my bike got run over I'd be hopping mad and someone would pay - either in flesh or cash!

    I'm jokin of course, but wow, what a great attitude! You rock!

    Good luck with the bike purchase. I'm a roadie - so I'm outnumbered here and will not cast a vote!
    The only limits that you have in life are the ones you impose on yourself. ~author unknown~

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Cary. NC

    Talking Final decision

    Well I finally made a decision - I bought a Giant Rincon and will be getting a pair of slicks on my next payday. Thanks for everyone's help!



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