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Thread: Hey NE girls

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Gloucester, MA

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    Hi Everyone,

    I haven't been out riding much. I went out to do a 25 miler a couple of weeks ago but between the wind and the cold, I ended up doing 8. I've already lost some of the fitness I had built up over the summer. I've headed back to the gym. I've also been busy getting the house and yard ready for winter. Been doing the basic leaf clean up and we're putting on a new roof this weekend.

    This getting dark at 4:30 really put a damper on my riding too. Hope you all are well and enjoying the beautiful fall here in NE!


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Still riding up here - harder now, with it getting dark early, but I have a light and can still hit the trails. Almost time to put the studded tires on! But I am not getting in as many miles and now have to supplement with CycloZen and spinning dvds. Ick....
    The best rides are the ones where you bite off much more than you can chew--and live through it.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Maine mountains

    Unhappy not much riding

    Between weather, etc, and other things, I have not done much riding. (and I have put on about 3 pounds, blah)
    Did a short one last week and fell and removed a large layer of skin from one arm. Had a little snow here this morning. I need to get some covers of some sort for the feet. By the way, last year I bought toe warmers for my ski gloves and found them MUCH cheaper at my local hardware store than at REI or bike or ski shops. I bought a whole box!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Western Massachusetts
    I have been trying to get out at least 2 days of my usual 3 day weekend ( I have a flexible work schedule, and have Fridays off). It has been tougher than it usually is to motivate myself to get all bundled up, but once I am out there, I'm fine. I have never minded the cold, but I came back from a ride this past Saturday, and there were some snow flurries! I keep thinking that "this' will be the last ride of the season, so I am planning to keep going as long as I can!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Cape Cod, MA
    I actually got out to ride a little bit more this past week thanks to returning to standard time. After work is out of the question, even when we were on Daylight Saving Time. (I don't get out of work until 7-7:30 many nights). I had gotten into a pretty good routine of riding for 3/4-1 hour in the morning before going to work. But that means I have to be on the road by 6AM. So now that it's light at 6:00 I can get back into that.

    I went for a lovely 35-mile ride today along the coast here on the upper Cape. I've been doing more trail riding the past few weekends. Went to the NEMBA Wicked Ride of the East and had a great women's clinic on the trail where we spent time working on clearing obstacles and skills on the trail. It was great practice and just what I wanted. The women who led the clinic race for Team EMS and were very patient teachers. I hope to spend more time on the mountain bike as it gets colder and would love to hook up with anyone else who wants to do some trail riding


  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Turners Falls, MA
    I have been riding as well, like Denise I took a day off last week so I could ride, I took off Wednesday and did 25 miles! I went out on the weekend did 15 on saturday, meant to go out again later in the day but got busy. Sunday I did 33 miles. Also I commuted to work 3 days last week and so far once this week. I can only do Mon, wed and friday because the other days I have school and it is only about 8 miles round trip but...I get to ride!! I ride to the gym, then work out and then go to work and ride home. I am hoping for many more good weekends!!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I rode the weekend before this one, in a race. But I really have ceased outdoors riding at this point, not sure if that's a good thing to admit. In part, just other things have come up. In part, I've got the bike hooked up to the trainer (but I could take my old HardRock out and might just do that this weekend).

    I don't feel compelled to ride in colder temps, but I know once I am out there I'll probably enjoy it... just a motivation thing.

    As a fun aside, I was in northern VT this weekend. Here are some observations....

    How to tell the seasons in VT (and all of the northmost part of our region).
    As you know there are 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, and summer. But there are subtle signs that signal to the attuned it's now winter up there....

    10. The snowblower is parked conveniently next to the drive.
    9. The road cyclist you're passing is wearing every type of warm gear including a balaclava, and still looks like he's freezing.
    8. The jeeps have their plow frames and even blades mounted. [Pick up trucks don't count, see, because some never even come off.]
    7. The mountains are all capped with snow.
    6. The ski shops are not having sales.
    5. You see telemark skiers returning from their day on the mountain (no lifts are open yet).
    4. You have experienced your first mountain squalls of the season.
    3. The Lincoln Gap road is closed.
    2. There is an eerie quiet in town that exists for only about 3 weeks all year. Cold enough to ski but no people...
    and.... the number one way to know it's winter in VT:
    #1.... The horses in Massachusetts have blankets!
    [if you don't get this, drive around in VT for a while ]

    Add: I could also add 'you have to turn on your headlights at 4:00'. Also, a little closer to home, I noticed my parking lot at work is now festooned with reflective poles around every bend/angle... yeah, the plow markings are out... guess they don't want to get caught off guard. As for me, my car's snow tires are going on this week...

    Also, I think Thursday is looking like it'll be above 60 in many areas of MA, so those who can, plan to take advantage of it.
    Last edited by tygab; 11-06-2006 at 08:23 PM.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA
    Got my bike at school today. I will do about 15 right after work. Looks like Thursday will be great, so I will rush home and try to get 20 miles in by dark.
    Anyone else off on Friday? It's not going to be as warm, but still good cycling weather. I'm ready for a longer ride!


  9. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Rochester, NY
    Isn't it good to be a teacher??? I am off as well, the forecast looks like low 50's and sun, VERY excited about a potentially great riding day (knock on wood)

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    The boonies of New England
    Wow! Just look at all of us New England gals!

    Yup, still riding! Like others have said, I do most of my riding on the weekends now. I try to commute, but I'm not that confident to be riding at dusk, so now it only works if I can get out of work by 3:00. Lately I have discovered that the best way to get in rides during the week is to...

    Get up at 4:30 (this is my normal time), do the horse chores... have coffee and cereal... make lunch... leave the house by 6:00 for a ride! I get back home in time for a quick shower and to head for work. This works fine for me (although it is VERY COLD at 6am ) since I can work through my lunch to make up the time.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Riding my Luna & Rivendell in the Hudson Valley, NY
    One thing I like about riding in the cold is that I get wonderful rosy cheeks that seem to last all day.
    My mountain dulcimer network...FOTMD.com...and my mountain dulcimer blog
    My personal blog:My blog

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Arlington, MA
    I'm actually surprised by the weather this year. This will be my 5th winter in Boston and every year except this one it has at least flurried once before Halloween. And usually there's at least one accumulating snow, even if it is just a dusting, before my birthday (which is Sunday). But this year there has been nothing! Everyone has been saying that this year is going to be a really bad winter, but it's getting a slow start. On the plus side, all you hearty souls can still be out riding. On the downside...a slow start to the snowboarding season??

    It's only worth it if you're having fun

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    It was great riding today girls. Get out there if you can.
    Happy Birthday Emily in case I forget on Sunday!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA
    If anyone is interested, there is going to be a 25-35 mile ride out of Weston center on Friday. Meet in front of the town hall. This is NOT an official AMC ride, but will be lead by AMC leaders. Intermediate level, 14-16 average pace.


  15. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Arlington, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by Surlygirl View Post
    It was great riding today girls. Get out there if you can.
    Happy Birthday Emily in case I forget on Sunday!

    Thanks, Surly!
    It's only worth it if you're having fun



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