Article argues it's learned a lot and that parents miss out because child's receptivity is around 4-7 months old.
This is a tough one after knowing parents must deal with child tantrums and rebelliousness. I know my 3 sisters with children have spent effort along with their husbands, to broaden their children's palate and increase diverse range of veggies and fruits. They have done an admirable job so far.
But I have to say this: I eat meals with Asian Canadian-born folks born in the 1950's to 1960's. And have noticed: They have very broad palates and do eat a wide range of veggies, meats and some dairy. A greater tolerance for diverse spiciness. The only exception is actually desserts, most don't like overly sweet nor much dessert at all.
I do think taste is learned. A lot of it. I know of very young children, nearly babies, eat curry (my youngest nephew, niece) and sushi, bok choy.
I personally never ate ANY curry, chili dishes until after I graduated from university. My tastebuds was very narrow....very little British based /heavy European cooking. 90% was Cantonese cooking which what my mother does, and traditionally does not have any curry nor chili flavours. But I did develop strong enthusiasm for seafood early in life pre-kindergarten..becasue the cuisine incorporates more seafood than inland/northern Chinese cooking.
So I actually had no experience with Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, South Asian nor Carribbean dishes until in my mid-20's.
And I was born in Canada and raised my whole life here.
Nor did I like olive oil flavoured dishes until my 30's. I initially found olive oil distasteful. Now I eat all flavours...but probably because I want to try stuff.