Fundraiser for Meredith Nicolls coming up on Jan. 1
By David Nicholson | 757-247-4794

10:46 a.m. EST, December 6, 2011

Friends of chef Meredith Nicolls are organizing a “Miles 4 Meredith” fundraiser bike ride on Jan. 1.

Nicholls is the former chef and/or owner of several Hampton Roads restaurants, including Kitchen at Powhatan Plantation in the Williamburg area and Meredith’s in Virginia Beach. He was paralyzed in a mountain biking accident a number of years ago. Though he continues to make progress in his recovery, Nicolls and his family struggle with large medical bills.

The fundraiser consists of two simultaneous bike rides beginning at noon Jan. 1 at Freedom Park in Williamsbirg and at Mount Trashmore in Virginia Beach.

Donations will be accepted on behalf of the Meredith Nicolls Heath Fund from 11:30 a.m. to noon at either site. Contributions to the fund also may be sent to: C. Meredith Nicolls, Jr., Special Needs Trust, Suntrust Bank, c/o Donald Ebner, 150 W. Main St., Norfolk, VA 23510. Make checks payable to: The Meredith Nicolls Health Fund.

For more information about the rides, contact ride organizer Dan Gibson by calling 757-7374007 or by email at You can also go online to,431960.story