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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Programs to prepare for century?

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    I haven't been able to ride outdoors, but am finding my groove at the gym and working out consistently again...feels good! I'm thinking to the future and my ultimate goal is to ride a century, at a "decent" pace (for me). How far in advance should training start? I have 2 possiblilites for interesting centuries with rest stops and support. One is a ride in late spring early summer the other isn't until next fall!... Anyone know of good web sites and/or books with training schedules that might help? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    On my bike
    Without knowing your actual fitness level, it is difficult to say when you might be ready to ride a century. There are a few rules of thumb about increasing your fitness level.

    1. Do not increase your capacity more than 10% in any week. If you ride 50 miles (total) this week, next week you should ride 55 miles.

    2. Add hills & intervals in your workout. "They" say that you should not do intervals more than once a week because it is taxing on your body & recuperative system.

    3. Take time off so that your body has a chance to repair itself. One day a week is good. Once a month, you should devote one week to active rest, e.g., light cycling or another form of aerobic activity. That way, you don't overstress any part of your body.

    4. Hit the weight room. For endurance, you want higher reps with less weight (reps should be 12-15 with the last few being difficult but not going to failure). Squats, leg extensions, lunges, hamstring curls, calf raises, etc., are good. Don't forget your upper body. A good website for beginners: http://www.billpearl.com/ Click on "programs" for some ideas.

    This is a good time to be in the weight room. Taper your lifting as you begin riding more, but don't quit entirely.

    Good luck!
    To train a dog, you must be more interesting than dirt.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    looking for rides?

    My daughter just e-mailed me the following sites for rides...I haven't checked them out yet but you might find something at one of them.

    this is an okay website... i have it "bookmarked" on the midwest page

    this is a really good link... i can't remember if i found the bike aid ride
    on this website or the next...

    nope, it was definitely this link where i found bike aid... these are all
    chairity links... there are a TON in

    plus, this is a directory of all of the "rails to trails" in the country,
    including Illinois and Michigan! rails to trails are usually long, flat
    trails, like the prairie path (actually, the prairie path and GWT are both
    rails to trails)
    good luck with your training... gretchen



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