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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Sebring 2011 anyone?

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    Hi folks!

    Looking to see if anyone's planning on going to Sebring this year. Once again, we're looking for help moving our pitstop from the day position to the overnight position. I have a feeling that my angel from last year, Kacie, might be racing it herself!

    Edit: also wouldn't mind a nice comfortable wheel to draft for a while too, if anyone's so inclined. I'll be in the drafting division.

    Thanks in advance!
    For 3 days, I get to part of a thousand other journeys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Portland, Oregon
    Hi Pw,
    DH & I will be there providing support for 3 riders from Portland. I had originally planned to ride the 12hr and then do support for the 3 doing the 24hr but I have only been on my bike 3 times since mid-November. Definitely not enough training for riding 12hr.

    Being support for 3 different riders (all on recumbents), I don't know how much time I'd have to be able to help move your stuff. We're having a meeting tomorrow to start working out logistics so I might know more next week.

    Marilyn rode this the last couple years, so she will be giving the other 2 (male) riders and myself some tips and advice. I'm guessing that I'll be wishing I was on my bike while watching everyone else ride.

    I'll keep you posted :-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Edna! It would be awesome if you could help in any way, but obviously, your priorities should be to your own riders. We're thinking we can each have our gear in two tubs - one with food/powders, and another with clothing/electronics. We could set up our day pit next to y'all, and we could buy water for everyone and then share it. Other than that, we'll be pretty self-sufficient.
    Let me know, and know that any help would be very much appreciated. I posted on a local Sebring group, so might have some help from them too.

    TE is the best!

    I've done this for a few years, so if anyone from your group has any questions, please let me know.

    For 3 days, I get to part of a thousand other journeys.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Pedal Wrench - I saw your email on the Highlands Pedalers site. My husband will be riding the 12 hours so I'm not sure what my obligations are but I am sure that we can work it out. I will respond to the email privately.
    "Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride"~John F. Kennedy



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