Same here.... I think I got one email once apologizing for the lateness of the first issue. I think they probably ran out of money. (looks like their web site is gone)
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Does anybody know what is going on with the magazine. I am a subscriber and got 1 edition and nothing is happening anymore...did I miss something?
Same here.... I think I got one email once apologizing for the lateness of the first issue. I think they probably ran out of money. (looks like their web site is gone)
Last edited by Eden; 06-04-2010 at 06:30 AM.
"Sharing the road means getting along, not getting ahead" - 1994 Washington State Driver's Guide
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Magazines are a very tough business, and with such a small market as women cyclists, they probably couldn't get the ad revenue to make ends meet. It's disappointing that you all didn't get what you paid for. It would be nice if they would at least contact the subscribers and thank you for your support and let you know about the difficulties, though. But they probably owe money all over town and are laying low.
I did receive the first issue, but nothing after. I actually have emailed CArson Blume a couple of times about this. The last email mentioned that he had moved home with his Mom, sold off his cameras, bike, etc... and more than likely was going to lose his car. He did make mention that he spent $14,000 on the first mag, and truly was in debt at that point. He also stated that because of the economy, he had lost a lot of advertising money.
I did email him back and wish him good luck in the future. I also suggested that he contact subscribers so that people knew what was going on. I know that going into business is a risky venture, but somehow it feels that this wasn't well thought out.
Magazines, Newspapers, probably all the print media has difficulties since many many years... I worked in Germany for one of the biggest newspaper and they had problems before I moved to the US 9 years ago. I know this business is very difficult, but I always support new ideas which I did. To bad it did not work, and I guess they had to shut it down. a business person... don't ever forget the people which payed money... at least close the book and let the subscriber know, don't just fade away.
Discipline is remembering what you want.
I try to search on the internet many times. But can't found. Great Thanks. Now It's easy to search on the face book.