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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Arlington, VA

    Smile Review//Endurance Booster

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    Endurance Booster is one of the new Spinverval releases and it's intended to be a high aerobic workout.

    Duration: about an hour and 46 minutes

    Overall, I enjoyed this one and found it challenging. It definitely lives up to its promise (endurance boosting). Not as fun as Hillacious, it isn't deadly boring either. The sets go as follows:

    • Typical Spinervals Warm Up Set
    • 15 minutes, switching gears every so often. This is more or less a pyramid set, starting at BCR 15, gearing down to BCR 17 then back up to BCR 15 at the end.
    • 15 x 1 minute, alternating BCR 13 (1 min) 15 sec rest, BCR 17 (1 min) with 15 sec rest, repeat.
    • 10 x 90 seconds, alterating BCR 13 (90 sec) 20 secs rest, BCR 17 (90 sec) 20 seconds rest, repeat
    • 7 x 2 minutes, alternating BCR 13 (2min) 30 sec rest, BCR 17 (2 min) 30 seconds, repeat
    • 15 minute set to finish, moving between BCR 15 and BCR 17 (not really a pyramid and more standing in this set, thank goodness).

    DVD quality is good and the time, effort, gear ratio lists at the bottom are easy to read. Coach Troy music volume is very low which isn't a negative, and to be honest, I ignored it. He talks a good bit, as usual. This one was filmed at a gym and there are a bunch of cyclists who range from obvious triathlete to "the rest of us." I liked that there were people of all sizes, ages, etc.

    This is a good workout for longer sessions and endurance junkies. It definitely is a welcome addition to my Spinervals library.
    Last edited by Selkie; 11-28-2009 at 01:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    northern california
    Thanks for the review. I've been eyeing that one, mostly for its longer duration.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
    How would you say it compares to Mental Toughness?

    Discipline is remembering what you want.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Arlington, VA
    For me, Mental Toughness isn't as much as a slog because there are more sets, more variety, and it's 15 minutes shorter. I really like that first set in MT--the ten minute one where you shift every 30 seconds. I have to admit that the last set on that DVD is one I dread---the "Roger goes over 200 beats per minute set." He used that one to wrap up Have Mercy, if I'm not mistaken.

    Endurance Booster is better for endurance, I think, because of the sets are longer and seem relentless when you're doing them. When you shift into easier gears, you are supposed to increase your cadence accordingly so it really isn't easier. And the breaks between reps are short (although between the sets, you get 2 minutes recovery).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
    Thanks! I may need another DVD - something between the length of Mental Toughness and Tough Love. When I want to go longer I've been doing MT followed by Hillacious.

    Discipline is remembering what you want.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Arlington, VA
    Muscular Endurance, which I also now own, is 2 hrs, 20 minutes. I haven't tried it yet but will review it after going it a go. It's described as. "... the ideal 'Zone 3' workout designed to boost muscular and aerobic endurance for improved long distance cycling speed and comfort."

    Endurance Booster is also a Zone 3 workout, FWIW.

    Maybe you should get them both LOL. Always the enabler, aren't I?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
    Yes, yes you are.

    They are Christmas list items now.

    Discipline is remembering what you want.




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