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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Newport, RI

    Barcelona, anyone?

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    After many years of no vacations, I'm going to Spain!

    I just read Alpine Rabbit's Mallorca report. Hopefully I'll have nicer weather in June! I'd like to rent a road bike while I'm there, which I see she did. If anyone has done that in Barcelona, I'd love to get the name of the shop you rented from. I'd also be interested in hiring a guide for a day bike tour.

    Also, has anyone rented an apartment for a vacation, rather than staying in a hotel or b&b? I've found a few to choose from, but I'd like to hear that it's been a positive experience for those who've done it. Since I'll be travelling with my best friend, a woman, we want a safe place. Since we're on a budget, and vegetarian, we'd like to be able to cook. That's why we're considering going that route.

    I'm getting very excited.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I've been one hour south of Barcelona in a town called Cambrils, in a hotel called Pueblo Eldorado Playa, they have bungalows you can rent.
    And an excellent Swiss company renting out bikes (www.eitzinger.ch) and offering guided tours or solo tours with their map. The nice tours are hilly.

    We stayed in Cambrils and going into Barcelona for sightseeing&shopping on the rest day was no problem using the local train.

    Be quick, I think this is the last year before the hotel complex will be torn down (it's not bad, it's just that they sold it to turn into a 4star Golf resort, yuck - who plays golf anyway). It's just that most of the guests are swiss but they'll all speak some English.

    They have another location called Tossa de Mar, about the same (1h) north of Barcelona. Then there's Girona where Lance and Tyler used to live&train.
    It's a little secret you didn't know about us women. We're all closet Visigoths.

    2008 Roy Hinnen O2 - Selle SMP Glider
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    2007 Gary Fisher HiFi Plus - Specialized Alias

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    San Antonio, TX
    Oh my goodness, Tossa de Mar. One of the most magnificent rides I ever did was from St. Felieu where I was staying to Tossa de Mar. You have mountains on one side and ocean on the other. EPIC! Its in the foot hills of the pyrennes, so plenty of switchbacks to climb, and if you go inland (i.e. to Girona) and it gets even steeper. We brought our own bikes, and had a friend drive us there who lives in Barcelona. The hotel we stayed at runs cycling camps, although we were actually there to attend a scientific meeting, but went early to cycle, and of course also cycled in the free afternoons (sessions were morning and evening to let people take advantage of surroundings).
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    Last edited by Triskeliongirl; 05-11-2009 at 08:36 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    San Antonio, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by redrhodie View Post
    Also, has anyone rented an apartment for a vacation, rather than staying in a hotel or b&b? .
    We rented a lovely apartment in Barcelona from VRBO. If you PM me I can give you more info. The apartment we rented is right near the Gaudi Cathedral. It was lovely, very spacious (2 bedrooms perfect since we traveled with kids) with great little shops just outside so we could buy local food and do our own cooking which was great fun. I prefer it to hotels. I can also tell you where we stayed in St. Felieu.

  5. #5
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    Jun 2006
    Newport, RI
    I just pm'ed you!

    I don't think I'll be tackling the Pyrenees this time. More like, museums, cheese, wine and flamenco! I'd like to tour by bike around the city maybe one or 2 days. I emailed a shop, but haven't heard back, but I'm sure there are places that do that. The friend I'm going with is new to cycling, and not comfortable in traffic, so we'll have to keep it easy if she's going to join me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I've rented an apartment in Paris for a week - last October. And in 2004 we rented a house in the South of France to catch a stage of the Tour. Can't help you with a name since it wasn't Barcelona. But both experiences were PHENOMENAL. I am sure we saved on money by doing a lot of eating at home. Plus, we really felt like we were at home, rather than temporarily somewhere, if that makes sense.

    I'm jealous, can't wait to hear about your wonderful trip!
    You too can help me fight cancer, and get a lovely cookbook for your very own! My team's cookbook is for sale Click here to order. Proceeds go to our team's fundraising for the Philly Livestrong Challenge!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    San Antonio, TX
    To me I prefer apartments, because you experience the city like a local, shopping for fresh local ingredients, cooking, living. Its also often a lot cheaper, and a lot more comfortable than staying in hotels.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Newport, RI
    It's funny, Triskeliongirl sent me a link to the apt she stayed in, and it was one of the 2 (out of hundreds) my friend and I were considering. So, I thought that was a "it's meant to be" sign. Today, I got an email that it's not available....boo.

    But, there are more to choose from. I'm glad to hear you've had good experiences with the apt rentals. I'm sure now that that's what we're going to do.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2009
    In France and Italy, we always rent a little house. It's much easier. Never been to Spain...yet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Newport, RI
    It's FINALLY here--the day I leave!

    I'm staying at an apt rented by the same company triskeliongirl used. Thanks for that recommendation! I'll probably not ride, but I'm packing some shorts and a jersey just in case I find a decent road bike to rent. I am definitely heading to Girona for a day. I can't wait to see the mountains.

    Papaver, come on down! We have room.

    Only thing left to do is buy a new sketchbook. I'm feeling very inspired to draw.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Uncanny Valley
    I'm not sure how far it is from Barcelona to Xàtiva. We went there from Valencia. The castle, and the museum in town, are definitely worth a day or preferably two if you have them to spare!

    Have a wonderful time!
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by redrhodie View Post
    It's FINALLY here--the day I leave!

    I'm staying at an apt rented by the same company triskeliongirl used. Thanks for that recommendation! I'll probably not ride, but I'm packing some shorts and a jersey just in case I find a decent road bike to rent. I am definitely heading to Girona for a day. I can't wait to see the mountains.

    Papaver, come on down! We have room.

    Only thing left to do is buy a new sketchbook. I'm feeling very inspired to draw.
    Thanks for the invite! But I have to work (yay >>> business was a little slow lately so I'm happy I can work).

    Enjoy Spain!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Newport, RI
    Barcelona was wonderful! I didn't want to leave, and I'd go back today if I could afford to. I loved everything about it!

    In the taxi on the way into the city from the airport, I got very excited when there was a guy on a Pinarello road bike, literally riding on the highway. If anyone has been on the FDR in NYC at rush hour, imagine a bike riding between the cars, between the lanes, zigzagging ahead of slower moving vehicles (like my cab), and you got the picture. He was too fast for me to get an actual picture.

    Once I got into the city, everyone rode the "bicing" bikes in the pic, which can be picked up at one location, and dropped at another. They also mostly rode folders, mtbs, fixies, and vintage bikes. Bikes were everywhere. Seeing how much cycling was part of everyday life made me feel like a novice. Biking is integral to life there, and is done skillfully in car, scooter and pedestrian traffic. Sidewalk riding is acceptable, and any outfit is appropriate, except maybe padded shorts and helmets. I saw a woman riding no hands on the sidewalk, while talking on her cell, wearing dress sandals, looking comfortable yet chic.

    There were not many road bikes in the city, but I did see a few on top of Montjuic, the high park area where the '92 Olympics were held. I took a tram up there, and there are escalators going back down, to give you an idea of the terrain. It's not flat.

    I did not ride. I did go to the bike show, though! I got some Barcelona made bibs (the company is "Inverse") which I'm very hopeful for comfort-wise. I saw some really gorgeous bikes there, my favorite of which was "Focus". They're German made, and the team bikes for Milram. Very drool worthy.

    The apartment was awesome. Thanks again, Triskeliongirl, for the recommendation.

    AR, I went to Girona! It was worth the trip, even though I didn't find George. I did see someone who looked a lot like Jan Ullrich, though, walking down the street with a cycling cap on. He was a little heavier than I'd ever seen him, so I'm not sure it was him.
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    Last edited by redrhodie; 06-16-2009 at 08:48 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Western Canada-prairies, mountain & ocean
    Looks like a great time, redhodie. I've never been to Spain, but a sister of mine has been there several times since she has a friend who lives there. She always has enjoyed it there.

    My partner was there last year. It appeared to him that the bikeshare system was for locals because of the registration process. Perhaps things will change soon.
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