hmmmmmmm me thinks that their radar gun may be having some problems........ even the TDF riders only hit speeds topping out at just about 60......
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...and I worry about getting a speeding ticket in a school zone LOL!
The space and time for what you WANT is being occupied by what you have settled for
"You say bark I say bite / You say shark I say hey man / Jaws was never my scene / And I don't like Star Wars"
BikeDFW - Dallas and Fort Worth Area Cycling Advocacy Organization
hmmmmmmm me thinks that their radar gun may be having some problems........ even the TDF riders only hit speeds topping out at just about 60......
"Sharing the road means getting along, not getting ahead" - 1994 Washington State Driver's Guide
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I have heard of people on tandems going that fast downhill, My son hits 52 to 54 mph going down some hills in Austin - I am sure it would be entirely doable if the conditions were right.
The space and time for what you WANT is being occupied by what you have settled for
"You say bark I say bite / You say shark I say hey man / Jaws was never my scene / And I don't like Star Wars"
BikeDFW - Dallas and Fort Worth Area Cycling Advocacy Organization
i knew someone who got pulled over for drunk driving, in his wheel chair. :-) he and his sister 'walked' home from the bar, because she knew she shouldn't be driving, and she was running and pushing him and then sort of riding on the back of the chair, when the cops pulled them over. i don't think they got a ticket in the end, but it did amuse us all. who knew?
Now, which of my forums had somebody get out of a ticket 'cause they showed either the judge or the cop the "max speed" on the odometer and it didn't match the radar?
68 miles... that's 108kms, right?
Well, yes, in that case, I find that speed difficult to believe too... but perhaps this person weighed enough to gather the momentum?
I still have my doubts though... but close to it? yes...
My partner's fastest downhill has been 98kph (about 61.5miles/hour)... thats deliberate effort to make 100km. He has the testosterone and daring to do it - but also the weight - he is 6'3" and his weight varies in the year between 85-90kgs
The fastest he has gone in a race situation has been 88kph, handle-bars knocking into each other and all...
(Me? My fastest sits only around 70kph... I don't wanna go faster down a hill than that...)
Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying,
"I will try again tomorrow".
Yeah, a tandem on a very steep hill I might believe, a duo on a heavy bike might have the mass to get moving that fast down a hill, but a single person and a woman at that (yes I am making the assumption that she does not weigh several hunded pounds).... I still find it to be pretty unlikely. I can believe she was moving fast. I've managed close to 50, but like Raven said even my 6'4" hubby, trying to go as fast as he could, has topped out right around 60. Unless she was really dangerously drafting a car I don't think she hit 68.
"Sharing the road means getting along, not getting ahead" - 1994 Washington State Driver's Guide
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I walk down steep hills.![]()