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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Salt Lake City, UT

    Garden Creek Gap - Pain, Lessons Learned and Cows!!

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    I'm a very shy person. So trying new things and jumping into unknown situations is not something I actively do. But this year my new years resolution was to force myself out of my comfort zones in different aspects of my life. After much panic, pondering, fear and deliberation I got brave and signed up for my first road race, Garden Creek Gap. The race was this past Saturday.

    I must give a special shout out and huge thanks to AuntieK and another local racer (not on TE) for their words of encouragement and support. Thank you for answering all my questions and helping to ease me into this crazy world of bike racing. I probably would never have gotten the nerve to even try if it were not for you!

    Saturday morning I woke up early and drove to Arimo Idaho. I was there early enough to check in, get dressed and ride around a bit. This helped calm my nerves. I was ok until it was time to line up and then the panic set in. Then I saw AuntieK come into the group and calmed down again. The rules were given and we were off. I know I am not the fastest rider so my goal was just to finish the race and have fun. I was feeling good and was riding well on the back of the group when we approached the first climb. Then it happened, the dreaded flat clanking sound. In mid shift - my chain fell off and would not bump back onto the gear. I had to stop and put the chain back on. It didn't take long to fix but as those of you who race know, it doesn't take long to get dropped. I shrugged it off, got back on the bike and raced on. I would not see the group again.

    I made it up the climb the first time and felt pretty good. And the rewards after a difficult climb was a fabulous descent. I learned on this race how much I love to go down hill. I geared up and pedaled down. At one point, for a few hundred meters I was going 40 MPH. I had never gone that fast before. I had a blast and was pedaling strong. Even on the flats I was going faster than I had ever personally gone before. Of course, these speeds would come back to haunt me. I hit a bump on one descent and heard the unmistakeable sound of a water bottle bouncing on the road behind me. Obviously I had not fully returned it to the cage after my last drink. I had to stop, get the bottle and start again. Anyhow, I was feeling good and realized I was catching up to a few of the ladies who had been dropped. But my progress came to an abrupt hault as an entire heard of cows had parked themselves across the road. Three of us stood in the road for about 5 minutes while the cowboys (with hats, lassos and "hiyaaas") tried to herd them off the road. Just as a small pathway opened up for us to proceed, a breakaway from the Cat 1/2 mens group was coming up behind us. We did not want to impeed their progress and decided to hold off going down the cow lined path until they passed. As soon as the men passed us, the cows surrounded them. Needless to say the men were not happy. The cowboys opened up a little room for them and we went through as well. I was pleased that it didn't take me too long to get back up to speed. I was laughing because my bike, which I had just cleaned two nights earlier, was now freshly covered in cow scat. Nice!

    The last ten miles was really tough. Obviously the fun I had racing at speeds I don't normally ride was coming back to hurt me. My legs felt like cement and my speed dramatically dropped. On the ascent before the climb I thought about quitting. I actually started a pro/con list naming reasons why it was and was not ok to quit. Thankfully I kept pedaling during this process. Once I approached the base of the climb I had decided that not finishing was not an option. My legs felt like dead weight and my cadence was low but I plugged on. At the steepest part of the climb, my legs completely seized up. I was forced to stop again. I shook out my legs and grabbed a quick drink and pedaled on. That stop was exactly what I needed. My cadence was back where it should be and I was able to get over the steepest part of the climb. I was grateful to see the markers for the 1k and 200 meters to go. Just as I rounded the corner to the mountain top finish I heard Auntie K cheering me on from the side of the road. That was just what I needed to finish it out.

    So how did I do? Well the sign can officially say "She Finished!" Yeah, I was dead last...but I finished. And I am happy about my last place finish. I had a great time during the race and look forward to racing it again next year - hopefully with some marked improvement.

    Lessons I learned -
    1. I need to ride more hills. I need to learn to be more aggressive on the hills without re-injuring my knees.
    2. I can ride faster than I knew I could. However, with that I need to learn how to pace myself so I don't use all my energy up too soon in the race.
    3. I can keep up with a group. But I need to ride with groups more (I usually ride by myself) so I can learn how to stay with a group longer.
    4. Yes AuntieK, I do need to race again. It was fun!
    Last edited by sulis; 05-29-2007 at 06:09 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    great story! sounds like you learned a lot.. and cows!
    for six tanks of gas you could have bought a bike.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Salt Lake City, UT
    SULIS, YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION!!! And, I would never believe you to be 'shy' . I have no desire to ever race, but your desire and drive to finish are a compliment to your spirit. You give so much, as I experienced today in the LRRH. I hope you achieve your goals, with very few stumbles along the way, but stumbles happen and we go forward with lessons learned. I, for one, am so happy I have had the opportunity to ride with you!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Race some more! Race some more!
    You know what to do and what to expect (except for cows and the Spanish Inquisition) and you really know how to tell a story.

    2008 Trek FX 7.2/Terry Cite X
    2009 Jamis Aurora/Brooks B-68
    2010 Trek FX 7.6 WSD/stock bontrager

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Southeast Idaho

    Yeah!! Great Job Sulis

    Yeah, you signed up and did it!! I just rode Garden Creek from Ross park in Pocatello to Arimo and over Garden Creek and than back to Pocatello today (78 miles) and that is a beastly climb! I am so proud of you for entering and racing.

    I heard about the cows! Did you sign onto the web site http://www.idahocycling.com/ and watch the video, it is so funny. The man working at the Arimo Sinclair gas station where we crabbed some snacks and refilled our water bottles was talking about it today. There was still alot of dried poop on the rode. My friend and I were saying what a challenge the race would be and then you had "COWS".

    Anita "Shiraz"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Salt Lake City, UT
    Thanks everyone. Yeah, I plan to do a few more races. I'm afraid the racing bug has bitten me a bit. I just need to decide which races to do. I can't do them all. But next year I will plan better so I can race the fun ones that I missed earlier in the season. I definitely think I am more of a circuit/road racer. I dont think criteriums are for me.

    So if anyone in the Utah, Colorado, Idaho area has a fave race, let me know. I would love to hear your experiences and perhaps plan on racing it next year.
    Last edited by sulis; 06-12-2007 at 04:58 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Salt Lake City, UT
    [QUOTE= And, I would never believe you to be 'shy' . [/QUOTE]

    Oh yeah, believe it! I'm an introverted wallflower when first meeting people. But once I get to know someone, you can't shut me up. You were just so friendly and its easy to feel comfortable with someone when riding.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Excellent job and great learning curve

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I didn't see this thread until today, great job on your first race. Did you get new wheels?
    I would have never guessed you to be shy, you seemed perfectly outgoing to me and a lot of fun.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    How did I miss this thread until today?
    Great story, Sulis! I am proud of you for finishing. It was pretty grueling out there. I lost my pack because of the cows. I was trying too hard to stay out of the cow poo, I slowed way down and the pack was off.
    The video Shiraz refers to was taken by DH. He was driving the coarse backwards looking for me when he came upon the herd of cattle. Here's another link directly to the video: http://www.gardencreekgap.blogspot.com/ The main herd of cattle is a way further up the road. The cattle staring in the video are some stragglers.
    Anyway, it was fun having you come out to the race, Sulis. I hope you'll race with me again soon. Not all races leave you covered from head to toe in manure!
    If you can read this, take a pull.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    WA, Australia
    Congratulations Sulis on your first race. I love the race report and I admire your courage. Now we will all be waiting for your next race report.
    The most effective way to do it, is to do it.
    Amelia Earhart

    2005 Trek 5000 road/Avocet 02 40W
    2006 Colnago C50 road/SSM Atola
    2005 SC Juliana SL mtb/WTB Laser V



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