Trying to self diagnosis
Since the end of July I have been having 1 or 2 boiled eggs and a tablespoon of peanut butter for breakfast.
Last week we went to Portland and I did eat breakfast out a few times and all the sudden my stomach/digestive system does not seem to be processing eggs.
I feel super full and/or start having stomach/intestinal pain, fear this may be a long term issue as I get older... I remember my mom having egg problems as she got older.

My nautropath moved to Bend so we did a bit of emailing and I have been researching online about protease - the enzymes that helps break down protein but not getting a good take on a supplement, I did read the kiwi is supposed to help. Kiwi's are 65 cents each at the moment - ouch.
He also said to make sure I buy organic, cage free eggs, which I do.

So I can cut out the eggs but then need another protein source, I hate, hate, hate protein powders, I am allergic to soy as well.
I don't eat anything fried. I suppose I can try turkey but open to suggestions.
Anybody else tackled this problem?