It bums me out, but I really hate clunking around in too-warm snowboots if it's at freezing or warmer weather. So I have worn 1 pr. of boots (up to knee) and carried around 2nd pr. (mid calf for snowshoeing) along on snow mountain winter vacation

So we will be going snowshoeing up in mountains. Weather 1 day will be at freezing with some snow on ground. But following days cold will plunge 20 degrees colder to -20 degrees C. with maybe falling snow in mountains.

Sigh, looks like I will have to carry extra clothing layers plus an extra pair of boots (lighter pair).

I really don't like lugging around so much more clothing. I will wear heavier clothing...carefully without sweating too much initially.

But it's necessary to be prepared when there are such weather differences in 1 winter location. Even if I wear 1 garment for 1-2 days.